
Mange forskningsresultater underbygger direkte indholdet i bogen og foredraget. Derudover underbygges det af andre forskningsresultater, hvor forskningen havde et andet formÄl, men hvor et biprodukt af forskningen underbygger det.

De nedennÊvnte forskningsresultater er derfor pÄfÞrt en overskrift, hvoraf det fremgÄr, hvad der er trukket ud af den enkelte forskning.

Jeg har ligeledes valgt at pÄfÞre, hvor man pÄ internettet ville kunne finde abstrakter af forskningsresultaterne. Alt sammen for at gÞre det lettere for dem, der gerne vil dykke mere ned i de bagvedliggende beviser.

Motion, kognitiv engagement og sund kost forlĂŠnger levetid og nedsĂŠtter risiko for Alzheimers.

Jianping, J., Zhao, T., Liu, Z., Liang, Y., Li, F., Li, Y., Liu, W., Li, F., Shi, S., Zhou, C., Yang, H., Li, Y., Liao, Z., Li, Y., Zhao, H., Zang, J., Zhang, K., Kan, M., Yang, S., Li, H., Liu, Z., Ma, R., Lv, J., Wang, Y., Yan, X., Liang, F., Yuan, X., Zhang, J., Gauthier, S. & Cummings, J. (2023) ”Associations between healthy lifestyle and memory decline in older adults: 10 year, population based, prospective cohort study”. BMJ 25, januar.


60 procent af dem, der fÄr depression, fÄr depression eller anden psykisk sygdom inden for de nÊste ti Är.

Jþrgensen, T.S.H., Osler, M., Jþrgensen, M.B. & Jþrgensen, A. (2023) ”Mapping diagnostic trajectories from the first

hospital diagnosis of a psychiatric disorder: a Danish nationwide cohort study using sequence analysis”. The Lancet

Psychiatry 10(1), s. 12-20.



Frontallappen er involveret i at styre impulsivitet og opmÊrksomhed eller mangel pÄ samme, to af de fÞrende symptomer pÄ ADHD.

The findings will be presented at the 108th Scientific Assambly and Annual Meeting of the Radiological Society of North America, in 2023.



Synapser fjernes, og andre skabes, nÄr vi lÊrer nyt, og ikke sÄ meget Êndring af eksisterende synapser, som man troede.

The findings will appear in PNAS 2023.



Ketamin tĂŠndte tavse celler og slukkede tidligere aktive neuroner, hvorfor det kan virke mod depression.

Cichon, J., Wasilczuk, A.Z., Looger, L.L., Contreas, D., Kelz, M.B. & Proekt, A. (2023) ”Ketamine triggers a switch in exitatory neuronal activity across neocortex”. Nature Neuroscience 26, s. 39-52.



Bevidstheden om, at sindet vandrer, er forudsĂŠtning for at kunne styre det.

Kawashima, I., Nagahama, T., Kumano, H. Momose, K. & Tanaka, S.C. (2023) ”Pavlovian-based neurofeedback enhances meta-awareness of mind-wandering”. Neural Networks 158, s. 239-248.



En stigning i hjerneforbindelser er effektiv til at tackle depressionssymptomer.

Parkhill, T. (2022) ”Structure of Adult Brain, Previously Thought to Be Fixed, Is Altered by Depression Treatment”. The findings were presented at the 35th European College of Neuropsychopharmacology annual conference.



Kognitiv reserve hos de personer, der har alle indikationer for at fÄ Alsheimers, men ikke fÄr det.

Merzenich, M. (2022) ”The Prevention of Alzheimer’s Disease Probably Won®t Come in a Pill Bottle”. Medscape, september.



Thalamus er et sensorisk kontrolcenter i hjernen, der integrerer og videresender sensoriske input.

Kappel, J.M., Förster, D., Slangewel, K., Shainer, I., Svara, F., Donovan, J.C., Sherman, S., Januszewski, M., Baier, H & Larsch, J. (2022) ”Visual recognition of social signals by a tecto thalamic neural circuit”. Nature 608, s. 146-152.


Angst frigiver dopamin og motiverer os til at handle og Êndre pÄ noget. Medicinering er som at sÊtte Þrepropper i for ikke at hÞre rÞgalarmen.

Tiwary, D. (2022) Future Tense; Why Anxiety Is Good For You (Even Though It Feels Bad). Harper Wave.



Amygdala reagerer ved stress, angst osv. MÊnd har dobbelt sÄ mange anti-frygt-receptorer pÄ amygdala som kvinder, hvorfor kvinder rammes dobbelt.

DiLeo, A., Antonoudiou, P., Ha, S. & Maguire, J.L. (2022) ”Sex Differences in the Alcohol-Mediated Modulation of BLA Network States”. eNeuro 9(4).



Sensorisk cortex gemmer minder og informationer.

You, Y., Novak, L.R., Clancy, K.J. & Li, W. (2022) ”Pattern differentiation and tuning shift in human sensory cortex underlie long-term threat memory”. Current Biology 32(9), s. 2067-2075.



HĂžjere kognition og identitet er placeret i dorsolaterale prĂŠfrontal cortex. Indeholder en speciel type mikroglia, som kun mennesker har.

Ma, S., Skarica, M., Li, Q., Xu, C., Risgaard, R.D., Tebbenkamp, A.T.N., Mato-Blanco, X., Kovner, R., Krsnik, Z.,  De Martin, X., Luria, V., Marti-Perez, X., Liang, D., Karger, A., Schmidt, D.K., Gomez-Sanchez, Z., Qi, C., Gobeske, K.t., Pochareddy, S., Debenath, A., Hottman, C.J., Spurrier, J., Teo, L.,Boghdadi, A.G., Homman-Ludiye, J., Ely, J.J., Daadi, E.W., Mi, D., Daadi, M., Marin, O., Hof, P.R., Rasin, MR., Bourne, J., Sherwood, C.C., Santpere, G., Gigenti, M.J., Strirmatter, S.M., Sousa, A.M.M. & Sestan, N. (2022) ”Molecular and cellular evolution of the primate dorsolateral prefrontal cortex”. Science 377(6614).



Kognitiv kontrol, opmĂŠrksomhedsvalg, arbejdshukommelse, beslutningstagning og planlĂŠgning styret af dorsolateral prĂŠfrontal cortex.

Bruno, A., Bludau, S., Mohlberg, H. & Amunts, K. (2022) ”Cytoarchitecture, intersubject variability, and 3D mapping of four new areas of the human anterior prefrontal cortex”. Frontiers in Neuroanatomy 16.Abstract:


Hjernen sorterer gennem en lavine af ydre stimuli – de fleste nĂ„r aldrig den menneskelige bevidsthed.

Kronemer, S.I., Aksen, M., Ding, J.Z., Ryu, J.H., Xin, Q., Ding, Z., Prince, J.S., Kwon, H., Khalaf, A., Forman, S., Jin, D.S., Wang, K., Chen, K., Hu, C., Agarwal, A., Saberski, E., Wafa, S.M.A., Morgan, O.P., Wu, J., Christison-Lagay, K.L., Hasulak, N., Morell, M., Urban, A., Constable, R.T. & Blumenfeld, H. (2022) ”Human visual consciousness involves large scale cortical and subcortical networks independent of task report and eye movement activity”. Nature Communications 13, article 7342.



Hjerneceller i en petriskÄl kan lÊre at spille pingpong pÄ fem minutter.

Kagan, B.J., Kitchen, A.C., Tran, N.T., Habibollahi, F., Khajehnejad, M., Parker, B.J., Bhat, A., Rollo, B., Razi, A.   & Friston, K.J. (2022) ”In virto neurons learn and exhibit sentience when embodied in a simulated game-world”. Neuron 110(23).



NÄr hjernen bliver roligere, sÄ den bedre kan hÞre, hvad hippocampus forsÞger at sige.

Chambers, A.R., Berge, C.N. & Varvaeke, K. (2022) ”Cell-type-specific silence in thalamocortical circuits precedes hippocampal sharp-wave ripples”. Cell Reports 40(4), article 111132.


De, der mangler personlig kontrol over deres liv, foretrÊkker en kultur, der pÄlÊgger orden, som yderligere reducerer personens fÞlelse af individuel kontrol.

Ma, A., Savani, K., Liu, F., Tai, K. & Kay, A.C. (2022) ”The Mutual Constitution of Culture and Psyche: The Bidirectional Relationship between Induviduals` Perceived Control and Cultural Tightness-Looseness”. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 21, august.



Hjernens standardtilstand er en bias af negativ valens for eksempelvis frygt. NĂ„r neurotensin frigives, tĂŠndes neuronerne forbundet med positiv valens.

Li, H., Namburi, P., Olson, J.M., Borio, M., Lemieux, M.E., Beyeler, A., Calhoon, G.G., Hitora-Imamure, N.,     Coley, A.A., Libster, A., Bal, A., Jin, X., Wang, H., Jia, C., Choudhury, S.R., Shi, Z., Felix-Ortiz, A.C., de la Fuente, V., Barth, V.P., King, H.O., Izadmehr, E.O., Revanna, J.S., Batra, K., Fisher, K.B. & Tye, K.M. (2022) ”Neurotensin orchestrates valence assignment in the amygadala”. Nature 608, s. 586-592.



FÞlelsesregulering sker efter vurdering i mPFC og kan trÊnes, hvis ikke mPFC er for hÄrdt ramt.

Lee, K.M., Lee, S. & Satpute, A.B. (2022) ”Sinful plesure and pious woes? Using fMRI to examine evaluative and hedonic emotion knowledge”. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience 17(11), s. 986-994.



Brug af virtual reality til vredeskontrol.

Jo, H., Jung, Y., Hing, Y., Sjin, Y., Baek, K., Kim, E. & Kim, J. (2022) ”The applicability of Virtyal Reality-Based Training for Controlling Anger in Aggressive Individuals”. Cyberpsychology Behavior and Socil Networking, published online 10. maj:



Vores nuvĂŠrende fĂžlelser forvrĂŠnger vores hukommelse.

Prati, A. & Senik, C. (2022) ”Feeling Good is Better”. Psychological Science 33(11).



Midfrontal thetaaktivitet ved psykiatrisk sygdom.

McLoughlin, G., Gyurkovics, M., Palmer, J. & Makeig, S. (2022) ”Midfrontal Theta Activity in Psychiatric Illness: An Index of Cognitive Vulnerabilities Across Disorders”. Biological Psychiatry 91(2), s. 173-182.



Mus, der viste tegn pÄ stress, depression eller autisme, fik flere theta i mediale prÊfrontal cortex.

Kuga, N., Abe, R., Takono, K., Ikegava, Y. & Sakasi, T. (2022) ”Prefrontal-amygdalar oscillations related to social behavior in mice”. Life, 17. maj 17.



Lav til moderat stress styrker arbejdshukommelsen, hvorimod hĂžjt stressniveau sĂŠnker aktiviteten i dorsolateral prĂŠfrontal cortex.

Oshri, A., Cui, Z., Owens, M.M., Carvalho, C.A. & Sweet, L. (2022) ”Low-to-moderate level of perceived stress strengthens working memory: Testing the hormesis hypothesis through neural activation”. Neurologia 176.



Allerede eksisterende angst, depression, kronisk stress og angst giver 50 procent Ăžget risiko for at udvikle Long-COVID efter coronavirusinfektion.

Tye, S. (2022) ”Being Stressed Out Before You Get COVID Increases Your Chances of Long COVID”. The Conversation, 23. oktober.


Tanker, vi tĂŠnker om de tanker, vi tĂŠnker, fastholder os i en negativ tilstand, og her kan metakognitiv terapi hjĂŠlpe.

Pedersen, H., Grþnnéss, I., Bendixen, M., Hahen, R. & Kennair, L.E.O. (2022) ”Metacognitions and brooding predict depressive symptoms in a community adolescent sample”. BMC Psychiatry 22, article 157.



Default Mode Network-aktivitet Ăžges under indadrettet tankegang og falder under eksternt rettede opgaver, der krĂŠver fokuseret opmĂŠrksomhed.

Dobryakova, E. & Smith, D.V. (2022) ”Reward enhances connectivity between the ventral striatum and the default mode network”. Neuroimage 258, september, article 119398.



Fakta, der strider mod ens egen opfattelse, betragtes som en trussel.

Bellizzi, K.M. (2022) ”Cognitive Bias and Brain Biology Help Explain Why Facts Don’t Change Minds”. The Conversation, 13. august.



Stresshormon reducerer altruistisk adfĂŠrd hos empatiske mennesker.

Schulreich, S., Tusche, A., Kanske, P. & Schwabe, L. (2022) ”Altruism under Stress: Cortisol Negatively Predicts Charitable Giving and Neural Value Representations Depending on Mentalizing Capacity”. Journal of Neuroscience 42(16), s. 3445-3460.



Stress kan gĂžre dig mere egoistisk.

Tusche, A. (2022) ”Stress can make you more selfish if you®re good at understanding others’ points of view”. The Conversation, 11. may.



NĂ„r en person fĂžler sig stresset, er han eller hun mere tilbĂžjelig til at lĂŠgge mĂŠrke til og reflektere over partnerens negative adfĂŠrd frem for vedkommendes positive adfĂŠrd.

Neff, L.A. & Buch, A.A. (2022) ”When Rose-Colored Glasses Turn Cloudy: Stressful Life Circumstances and Perceptions of Partner Behavior in Newlywed Marriage”. Social Psychology and Science, 26. september 26.



Mangel pÄ sÞvn forringer ogsÄ vores grundlÊggende sociale samvittighed, hvilket fÄr os til at trÊkke vores Þnske og vilje til at hjÊlpe andre mennesker tilbage.

Guo, R., Wang, Y., Yan, R., Chen, B. Ding, W., Gorczyca, M.T., Ozsoy, S., Cai, L., Hines, R.L., Tseng, G.C., Allocca, G., Dong, Y., Fang, J. & Huang, Y.H. (2022) ”Rapid Eye Movement Sleep Engages Melanin-Concentrating Hormone Neurons to Reduce Cocaine Seeking”. Biological Psychiatry 92(11), s. 880-894.



Information om nye erfaringer erhverves hurtigt ved at koble dem til mĂžnstre, der allerede er til stede i amygdala og prĂŠfrontale cortex.

Miyawaki, H. & Mizuseki, K. (2022) ”De novo inter-regional coactivations of preconfigured local ensembles support memory”. Nature Communications 13, article 1272.



Nye vaner er diakron indlĂŠring, men krĂŠver synkron viljestyrke.

Irving, Z.C., Bridges, J., Glasser, A., Bermudez, J.P. & Sripada, C. (2022) ”Will-powered: Synchronic regulations is the difference marker for self-control”. Cognition 225, august, article 105154.


Mennesker med stĂžrre selvkontrol har et roligere sind, hvilket i sig selv genererer fĂŠrre distraktioner fra stimuli.

Kleinert, T., Nash, K., Leota, J., Koenig, T, Heinrichs, M. & Schiller, B. (2022) ”A Selv-Controlled Mind is Reflected by Stable Mental Procesing”. SAGE Journals 33(12).



Dine yndlingssange afslĂžrer dit tilknytningsmĂžnster.

Alaei, R., Rule, N.O. & MacDonald, G. (2022) ”Individuals’ favorite songs’ lyrics reflect their attachment style”. Personal Relationships 29(4), s. 778-794.



NĂ„r vi lytter til en sang, forudser vores hjerne, hvad der derefter sker. Rammer vi rigtigt, kan vi lide sangen.

Marion, G. (2022) ”Why certain types of music make our brains sing, and others don’t”. The Conversation, 24. november.



Fysiske fĂŠrdigheder kaldet motoriske erindringer kodes anderledes i vores hjerner end vores erindringer for navne eller fakta.

Hwang, F., Roth, R.H., Wu, Y., Sun, Y., Kwon, D.K., Liu, Y. & Ding, J.B. (2022) ”Motor learning selectively strengthens cortical and striatal synapses of motor engram neurons”. Neuron 110(17), s. 2790-2801.



Hjerneskader i The Default Mode Network mindsker depression. Hjerneskader i dorsolateral prĂŠfrontal cortex Ăžger depression.

Trapp, N.T., Bruss, J.E., Manzel, K., Grafman, J., Tranel, D. & Boes, A.D. (2022) ”Large-scale lesion symptom mapping of depression identifies brain region for risk and resilience”. Brain, 61, oktober.



Ældre voksne viste stĂžrre aktivitet i Default Mode Network. DMN er aktiv, nĂ„r vi drĂžvtygger, dagdrĂžmmer eller vandrer i sindet.

Grennan, G., Balasubramani, P.P., Vahidi, N., Ramanathan, D., Jeste, D.V. & Mishra, J. (2022) ”Dissociable neural mechanisms of cognition and well-being in youth versus healthy aging”. Psychology and Aging 37(7), s. 827-842.



Psilocybin Ăžger hjerneforbindelsen hos mennesker med depression.

Daws,. R.E., Timmermann, C., Giribaldi, B., Sexton, J.D., Wall, M.B., Erritzoe, D., Roseman, L., Nutt, D. & Carhart-Harris, R. (2022) ”Increased global integration in the brain after psilocybin therapy for depression”. Nature Medicine 28, s. 844-851.



En enkelt dosis psilocybin Ăžger antallet af neuronale forbindelser med ti procent.

Kwan, A.C., Olson, D.E., Preller, K.H. & Roth, B.L. (2022) ”The neural basis of psychedelic action”. Nature Neuroscience 25, s. 1407-1419.



Psilocybin virker langt bedre og hurtigere end exitalopram, fordi det lammer Default Mode Network, der er aktivt, nÄr vi drÞvtygger.

Tweedy, C. (2022) ”Psychedelics: how they act on the brain to relieve depression”. The Conversation, 19. maj.


Depressive har, nĂ„r depressionen er ovre, stadigvĂŠk problemer med opmĂŠrksomhed og kognition. Spil som ”Hvilken vej peger pilen?” hjĂŠlper.

Keefe, R.S.E. & Etkin, A. (2022) ”Video Game-Based Intervention Helped Reduce Cognitive Deficits in Depressed Patients”. Brain & Behavior, 17. november.



Udbrud af gammafrekvensrytmer i den prĂŠfrontale cortex koordinerer den neurale reprĂŠsentation af den information, der holdes i tankerne, hvilket betyder, at opmĂŠrksomhed giver gammabĂžlger.

Lundqvist, M., Rose, J., Brincat, S.L., Warden, M.R., Buschman, T.J., Herman, P. & Miller, E.K. (2022) ”Reduced variability of bursting activity during working memory”. Scientific Reports 12, article 15050.



Konstante push-meddelelser eller blot tilstedevÊrelsen af mobilen pÄvirker kognitionen, mindsker koncentrationen, Þger distraktionen og afleder opmÊrksomheden.

Horwood, S. (2022) ”Ping, your pizza is on its way. Ping, please rate the driver. Yes, constant notifications really do tax your brain”. The Conversation, 8. december.



Selvom der bliver flere og flere med demens, bliver der endnu flere, der ikke har det. Procentandelen med demens falder, hvilket betyder, at det er muligt at gĂžre noget selv.

Lenze, E.J., Voegtle, M., Miller, J.P., Ances, B.M., Balota, D.A., Barch, D., Depp, C.A., Dinez, B.S., Eyler, L.T., Foster, E.R., Gettinger, T.R., Head, D., Hershey, T., Klein, S., Nivhols, J.F., Nicol, G.e., Nishino, T., Patterson, B.W., Rodebaugh, T.L., Schweiger, J., Shimony, J.S., Sinacore, D.R., Snyder, A.Z., Tate, S., Twamley, E.W., Wing, D., Wu, G.F., Yang, L., Yingling, M.D. & Wetherell, J.L. (2022) ”Effect of Mindfulnes Training and Exercise on Cognitive Function in Older Adults: A Randomized Clinical Trail”. JAMA 328 (22), s. 2218-2229.



Hippocampus og den prĂŠfrontale cortex, centeret for hĂžjere tĂŠnkning, er hos kronisk deprimerede patienter skrumpet rent fysisk.

Caspi, A. & Moffitt, T.E. (2022) ”In Large Study, Those Diagnosed with a Psychiatric Disorder Were More Likely to Develop Dementia”. Brain & Behavior, 1. september.



Depression Ăžger risikoen for demens med 51 procent.

Yang, L., Deng, Y., Leng, Y., Ou, Y., Li, Y., Chen, S., He, X., Wu, B., Huang, Y., Kuo, K., Feng, W., Dong, Q., Feng, J., Suckling, J., Smith, D., Cheng, W. & Yu, J. (2022) “Depression, Depression Trearments, and Risk of Incident Dementia: A Prospektive Cohort Study of 354.313 Participants”. Biological Psychiatry, 3. september.



Angstmedicin benzodiazepin pÄvirker mikrogliaceller der modulerer neuronoverfÞrsel og skaber kognitiv tilbagegang og demens.

Shi, Y., Cui, M., Ochs, K., Brendel, M., StrĂŒbing, F.L., Briel N., Eckenweber, F., Zou, C., Liu, G., Middleton, R.J., Rupprecht, R., Rudolph, U., Zeilhofer, H.U., Rammes, G., Herms, J. & Dorostkar, M.M. (2022) “Long-term diazepam treatment enchances microglial spine engulfment and impairs cognitive performance via the mitochondrial 18 kDa translocator protein (TSPO). Nature Neuroscience, vol. 25, s. 317-329.



Depression giver dobbelt risiko for demens, ud fra undersĂžgelse af 600.000 danskere.

Larsen, E.N., Sloth, M.M., Osler, M., Wium-Andersen, I.K. &Jþrgensen, T.S.H. (2022) “Depression in adolthood and risk of dementia later in life: A Danish register-based cohort study of 595.828 men”. Journal of Affective Disorders 302, s. 25-32. Abstrakt:

Tiden gÄr hurtigere for gamle mennesker pga perioder hvor der laves fÊrre minder.

Ogden, R. (2022) “Why we feel like Christmas comes around more quickly each year”. The Conversation, 22. November.



Voksne lider at tillĂŠrt uopmĂŠrksomhed. Selektiv udvĂŠlgelse kan lĂŠres af bĂžrns dissocierede opmĂŠrksom mod det hele.

Blanco, N.J., Turner, B,M. & Sloutsky, V.M. . (2022) “The benefits of immature cognitive control: How distributed attention guards against learning traps”. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, vol. 226-2023, Article 105548.



Ældre der laver intellektuelt stimulerende aktiviteter sĂ„som at lĂŠse, skrive eller lave hĂ„ndvĂŠrk har 23 procents lavere risiko for demens.

Su, S., Shi, L., Zheng, Y., Sun, Y., Huang, X., Zhang, A., Que, J., Sun, X., Shi, J., Bao. Y. & Lu, L. (2022) “Leisure Activities and the Risk of Dementia: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis”. Neurology, oktober 11, 99 (15).



Mnemonisk strategitrÊning Þgede aktiviteten i flere hjerneomrÄder, og mindskede kognitiv tilbagegang.

Hampstead, B.M., Stringer, A.Y., Iordan, A.D., Snyder, R.P. & Sathian, K. (2022) ”Toward rationel use of cognitive training in those with mild cognitive impairment”. Alzheimers & Dementia, 6. juli.



For hver ekstra mental aktivitet bevares tankeevner, og demens forsinkes med 13 Ă„r. Fysisk aktivitet hjĂŠlper kun kvinder mod demens.

Pa, J., Aslanyan, V., Casaletto, K.B., Renteria, M.A., Harrati, A., Tom, S.E., Armstrong, N., Rajan, K., Avila-Rieger, J., Gu, Y., Schupf, N., Manly, J., Brickman, A. & Zahodne, L. (2022) ”Effects of Sex, APOE4, and Lifestyle Activities on Cognitive Reserve in Older Adults”. Neurology 99(8), 23. august.



Videospil kan forbedre de kognitive evner.

Chaarani, B., Ortigara, J., Yuan, D., Lose, H., Potter, A. & Garavan, H.P. (2022) ”Association of Video Gaming With Cognitive Performance Among Children”. JAMA Open Network 5(10), article e2235721.


Oversigt over mere end 100 publicerede undersÞgelser, der har vist forbedringer i kognition (opmÊrksomhed, hastighedsbehandling, hukommelse og andre eksekutive funktioner) ved brug af Brain HQ-trÊningsprogrammer.                                                                                                                       


At kunne flere sprog giver kognitiv reserve i form af flere komplekse neurale netvĂŠrk, der forebygger kognitiv tilbagegang som demens.

Gallo, F., Kubiak, J. & Myachykov, A. (2022) ”Add Bilingualism to the Mix: L2 Profiency Modulates the Effect of Cognitive Reserve Proxies on Executive Performance in Healthy Aging”. Frontiers in Psychology, Section Cognition 13.



Musikalsk trÊning var med til at Þge humÞret og reducere symptomer pÄ stress og angst. Den multisensoriske proces blev forbedret.

Che, Y., Jicol, C., Ashwin, C. & Petrini, K. (2022) ”An RCT study showing few weeks of music lessons enhance audio-visual temporal processing”. Scientific Reports 12, article 20087.



Gestalt-barken konstruerer vores egne versioner af virkelighed.

Lieberman, M. (2022) ”SEEing Minds, Matter, and Meaning: The Ceeing Model of Pre-Reflective Subjective Con”trual”. PsyArXiv Preprint, 28. januar.



NĂ„r en sĂŠtning ikke kan fortolkes ved at genkalde et billede fra hukommelsen, er vi afhĂŠngige af frivillig fantasi til at konstruere et nyt mentalt billede i vores sind.

Vyshedsky, A. (2022) ”Language evolution is not limites to speech acquisition: a large study of language development in children with language deficits highlights the importance of the voluntary imagination component of language”. Rio Journal, 14. juli.



Vi generaliserer for at sĂŠnke sandsynligheden for at blive overrasket.

Pain, R., Kirchoff, M.D. & Mann, S.F. (2022) ”Life Hates Surprises: Can an Ambitious – Free Energy Principle – Theory Unify Biology, Neuroscience and Psychology?”. The Conversation, 14. august.



Hjernen er en forudsigelsesmaskine, der altid er aktiv.

Heilbron, M., Armeni, K., Schoffelen, J.M., Hagoort, P. & de Lange, F.P. (2022) ”A hierarchy of linguistic predictions during natural language comprehension”. PNAS 119 (32), article e2201968119.



Humor og latter bestÄr af forvirring, oplÞsning og meddelelse om, at jeg ikke er farlig.

Bellieni, C.V. (2022) ”Why Do WE Laugh? New Study Considers Possible Evolutionary Reasons Behind This Very Human Behaviour”. The Conversation, 22. september.



Evnen til at undertrykke impulser og dominerende adfÊrdsreaktioner opstÄr i den tidlige barndom med markante forbedringer mellem tre og fire Är.

Berger, P., Friederici, A.D. & Wiesmann, C.G. (2022) ”Maturational Indices of the Cognitive Control Network Are Associated with Inhibitory Control in Early Childhood”. Journal of Neuroscience 42(32), s. 6258-6266.



Kulturelle vaner spiller ogsÄ ind pÄ, hvor lÊnge bÞrn kan vente i skumfidus-test. Det er en tillÊrt evne.

Yanaoka, K., Michaelson, L.E., Guild, R.M., Dostart, G., Yonehiro, J., Saito, S. & Munakata, Y. (2022) ”Culture Crossing: The Power of Habit in Delaying Gratification”. Psychological Science 33(7).



StÞrre optimisme er forbundet med lÊngere levetid og en stÞrre sandsynlighed for at opnÄ exceptionel lang levetid.

Koga, H.K., Trudel-Fitzgerald, C., Lee, L.O., James, P., Kroenke, C., Garcia, L., Shadyab, A.H., Salmoirago-Blotcher, E., anson, J.E., Grodstein, F. & Kubzansky, L.D. (2022) ”Optimism, lifestyle, and longevity in racially diverse cohort of women”. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 70(10), s. 2793-2804.



Mindfulness slapper hjernen af, hvorimod der ved Tummo-praksis opnÄs frivillig kontrol over vores stress, der betyder, at vi kan maksimere fysiske og kognitive prÊstationer.

Kozhevnikov, M., Veronikalrene, A., McDougal, E., Dhond, R. & Samuel, G. (2022) ”Beyond mindfulness: Arousal-driven modulation of attentional control during arousal-based practices”. Current Research in Neurobiology 3, article 100053. Abstract:

Mindfulness-timer i skolen virker ikke for teenagere.

Dunning, D., Ahmed, S., Foulkes, L., Griffin, K., Griffiths, K., Leung, J.T., Parker, J., Pi-Sunyer, B.P., Sakhardande, A., Bennett, M., Haag, C., Montero-Marin, J., Packman, D., Vainre, M., Watson, P., Kuyken, W., Williams, J.M.G., Ukoumunne, O.C., Blakemore, S. & Dalgleish, T. (2022) ”The impact of mindfulness training in early adolescence on affective executive control, and on later mental health during the Covid-19 pandemic: a randomised controlled trial”. BMJ Mental Health 25(3).



Mindfulness giver ikke strukturelle ĂŠndringer i hjernen, fordi det ikke skaber gammabĂžlger.

Kral, T.A., Davis, K., Korponay, C., Hirshberg, M.J., Hoel, R., Tello, L.Y., Goldman, R.I., Rosenkranz, M.A., Lutz, A. & Davidson, R.J. (2022) ”Absence of stryctural brain changes from mindfulness-based stress reduction: Two combined randomized controlled trials”. Science Advances 20(20).



Proaktiv tankekontrol er bedre end reaktiv, men reaktiv tankekontrol kan ogsÄ minimere uÞnskede tanker.

Fradkin. I. & Eldar, E. (2022) ”If you don’t let it in, you don®t have to get it out: Thought preemtion as a method to control unwanted thoughts”. PLOS Computational Biology, 14. juli.



Rumlig indlÊring forbedrer indlÊringen, og nÄr verbal lÊring omsÊttes til noget rumligt, giver det bedre verbalt udtryk og et bevis pÄ, at autopilot tÊnker i billeder.

Cortes, R.A., Peterson, E.G., Kraemer, D.J.M., Kolvoord, R.A., Uttal, D.H., Dinh, N., Weinberger, A.B., Daker, R.J., Lyons, I.M., Goldman, D. & Green, A.E. (2022) ”Transfer from spatial education to verbal reasoning and prediction of transfer from learning-related neural change”. Science Advances 8(32).



Mobil ABMT kan hÄndtere nÞd pÄ tvÊrs af kroniske neurologiske tilstande.

Charvet, L., George, A., Cho, H., Krupp, L.B. & Dennis-Tiwary, T.A. (2021) ”Mobile Attention Bias Modification Training Is a Digital Health Solution for Managing Distress in Multiple Sclerosis: A Pilot Study in Pediatric Onset”. Frontiers in Neurology 12, article 719090.



Effekt af internetbaseret opmÊrksomhedsbias-modifikation pÄ angsten hos japanske arbejdere.

Tayama, J., Shimazu, A., Ogawa, S. & Nakaya, N. (2021) ”Effect of internet-based attention bian modification on the anxiety of Japanese workers: A randomized controlled trial”. Journal of Occupational Health 63(1), article e12229.



En gamified smartphone-baseret kombineret CBT og AAMT fremmer patientengagement og er effektivt mod depressive symptomer. 

Kukas, C.A., Eskofier, B. & Berking, M. (2021) ”A Gamified Smartphone-Based Intervention for Depression: Randomized Controlled Pilot Trial”. JMIR Mental Health 8(7), article e16643.



Approach-avoidance modification training – AAMT – kan reducere depressive symptomer. 

Lukas, C.A. & Berking, M. (2021) ”Blending group-based psychoeducation with a smartphone intervention for the reduction of depressive symptoms: results of a randomized controlled pilot study”. Pilot and Feasibility Studies 7(1), s. 57. Abstract:


Fortolkningsbias-modifikationsprogram IMP genererede flere positive fortolkninger og fĂŠrre negative fortolkninger efter trĂŠning.

Zhang, F., Huang, C., Mao, X., Hou, T., Sun, L., Zhou, Y. & Deng, G. (2021) ”Efficacy of the Chinese version interpretation bias modification training in an unselected sample: A randomized trial”. PLOS One 16(7), article e0255224.


iCBT, der er patientdrevet, har en stÞrre effekt pÄ angst end standard-iCBT.

Nissling, L., Krapelien, M., Kaldo, V., Hange, D., Larsson, A., Persson, M. & Weineland, S. (2021) ”Effects of patient-driven iCBT for anxiety in routine primary care and the relation between increased experience of empowerment and outcome: A randomized controlled trial”. Internet Interview 26, article 100456.



ABM gav en forbedret opmĂŠrksomhedskontrol og dermed mindre stofmisbrug.

Parvas, M.A., Malaker, P., Zilverstabd, A., Moeller, S.J., Alia-Klein. N. & Goldstein, R.Z. (2021) ”Attention bias modification in drug addiction: Enhancing control of subsequent habits”. PNAS 118 (23), article e2012941118.



Effektiviteten til at reducere stress og angst er blevet demonstreret for trÊningsspil og afslappende videospil for bÞrn, voksne og Êldre voksne. 

Pallavicini, F., Pepe, A. & Mantovani, F. (2021) ”Commercial Off-The-Shelf Video Games for Reducing Stress and Anxiety: Systematic Review”. JMIR Mental Health 8(8), article e28150.



Deprimerede personer med negativ opmĂŠrksomhedsbias havde fordel af aktiv ABMT.

Hsu, K.J., Shumake, J., Caffey, K., Risom, S., Labrada, J., Smits, J.A.J., Schnyer, D.M. & Beevers, C.G. (2021) ”Efficacy of attention bias modification training for depressed adults: a randomized clinical trial”. Psychological Medicine 52(16), s. 1-9.



En lille méngde kognitiv tréning reducerede signifikant risikoen og forekomsten af ​​demens blandt éldre voksne.

Driver, M. (2021) ”$44 Million NIH Grant to See if Dementia Can Be Prevented”. Journal of Mental Health, april 2021.



Psykiske lidelser er netvĂŠrkssygdomme, hvor interaktionen mellem neurale enheder er forstyrret. Negative fĂžlelser er lig med hĂžjere risiko for psykisk sygdom.

KĂ»hnel, A., Czisch, M., Saemann, P.G., Binder, E.B. & Kroemer, N.B. (2021) ”Spatio-temporal dynamics of stress-induced network reconfigurations refelct negative affectivity”. Biological Psychiatry 92(2), s. 158-169.



Forskellige forskere mÄler hjernebÞlgemÞnstre ved psykiatriske lidelser.

Tarr, P. (2021) ”Using Brainwave Patterns to Predict and Understand Psychiatric Disorders”. Brain & Behavior Research Foundation, maj.



Stress er en uhaoplevelse, som huskes bedre end en neutral.

Bierbrauer, A., Fellner, M.C., Heinen, R., Wolf, O.T. & Axmacher, N. (2021) ”The memory trace of a stressful episode”. Current Biology 31(23), s. 5204-5213.



Magiske svampe giver personer med depression en forĂžget og langvarig stigning af forbindelser mellem neuronerne.

Hathaway, B. (2021) ”A single dose of psilocybin, the active compound in ‘magic mushrooms’, given to mice promted a long-lasting increase in the connection between neurons”. Yale News, 5. juli.


Efter to timers kognitiv kontroltrĂŠning lĂŠrer man at se bort fra alle forstyrrelserne og ignorere distraktioner. Det giver forbedret nĂžglekredslĂžb til hukommelsen, og vi bliver bedre til at lĂŠre.

Chung, A., Jou, C., Grau-Perales, A., Levy, E.R.J., Dvorak, D., Hussain, N. & Fenton, A.A. (2021) ”Cognitive control persistently enchances hippocampal information processing”. Nature 600, s. 484-488.



Hjernefingeraftryk eller bias over ĂžjenbevĂŠgelser ved visuel perception og opmĂŠrksomhed kan ĂŠndres og forsvinder ved alsheimer.

Van De Ville, D., Farouj, Y., Preti, M.G., Liegeois, R. & Amico, E. (2021) “When makes you unique: Temporality of the human brain fingerprint”. Science Advances, vol. 7, Issue 42.



Kompleks sansemotorisk aktivitet, lĂŠre nyt sprog eller spille musikinstrument kan regenerere hvidt stof i hjernen og forebygge demens.

Andrews, E., Eierud, C., Banks, D., Harschbarger, T., Michael, A. & Rammell, C. (2021) ”Effects of Lifwlong Musicianship on White Matter Integrity and Cognitive Brain Reserve”. Brain Sciences 11(1), s. 67.



Hippocampus bringer stykker af minder sammen over tid og danner dem til forbindende fortĂŠllende minder.

Cohn-Sheehy, B.I., Delarazan, A.I., Reagh, Z.M., Crevelli-Decker, J.E., Kim, K., Barnett, A.J., Zacks, J.M. & Ranganath, C. (2021) ”The hippocampus constructs narrative memories across distant events”. Current Biology 31(22), s. 4935-4945.



At bruge tid pÄ at nyde naturen forbedrer bÄde fysisk og mental sundhed.

Maddock, J.E., Suess, C., Bratman, G.N., Smock, C., Kellstedt, D., Gustat, J., Perry, C.K. & Kaczynski, A.T. (2020) ”Development and validation of self-efficiency and intention measures for spending time in nature”. BMC Psychology 10, article 51.



ABM’s virkning pĂ„ angst mĂ„lt pĂ„ pupillernes reaktion.

Woody, M.L., Vaughn-Coaxum, R.A., Siegle, G.J. & Price, R.B. (2020) ”Time course of pupillary response to threat words before and after attention bias modification for transdiagnostic anxiety disorders: A randomized controlled trial”. Brain and Behavior 10(8), article e01664.



Kognitiv bias modifikation til fortolkning, CBM-I, til at reducere social angst gav positive neurale ĂŠndringer.

Sakaki, K., Nozawa, T., Ikeda, S. & Kawashima, R. (2020) ”Neural correlates of cognitive bias modification for interpretation”. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience 15(2), s. 247-260.



CBM for trusselsfortolkninger virker pÄ angstsymptomer og stressreaktivitet.

Rozeman, M., Gonzalez, A., Logan, C. & Goger, P. (2020) ”Cognitive bias modification for threat interpretations: Impact on anxiety symptoms and stress reactivity”. Depression and Anxiety 37(5), s. 438-448.



OpmĂŠrksomhedsbias-modifikation virker hos unge med behandlingsresistent angst.

Pettit, J.W., Bechor, M., Rey, Y., Vasey, M.V., Abend, R., Pine, D.S., Bar-Haim, Y., Jaccard, J. & Silverman, W.K. (2020) ”A Randomized Controlled Trial of Attention Bias Modification Treatment in Youth With Treatment-Resistant Anxiety Disorders”. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 59, s. 157-165.


OpmÊrksomhedstrÊning i form af mÄlstyring forbedrede hverdags eksekutive funktioner og gav reduktioner i depressive symptomer.

Hagen, B.I., Lau, B., Joormann, J., SmĂ„stuen, M.C., LandrĂž, N.I. & Stubberud, J. (2020) ”Goal management training as a cognitive remediation intervention in depression: A randomized controlled trial”. Journal of Affective Disorders 275, s. 268-277.



Attention Bias Modification hjĂŠlper unge med behandlingsresistent angst.

Pettit, J.W., Bechor, M., Rey, Y., Vasey, M.V., Abend, R., Pine, D.S., Bar-Haim, Y., Jaccard, J. & Silverman, W.K. (2020) ”A Randomized Controlled Trial of Attention Bias Modification Treatment in Youth With Treatment-Resistant Anxiety Disorders”. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 59, s. 157-165.



Halvdelen af angstpatienter, der ikke responderede pÄ normal behandling, blev angstfri efter opmÊrksomhedstrÊning med glad ansigt, og effekten steg med tiden.

Pettit, J.W., Bechor, M., Rey, Y., Vasey, M.V., Abend, R., Pine, D.S., Bar-Haim, Y., Jaccard, J. & Silverman, W.K. (2020) ”A Randomized Controlled Trial of Attention Bias Modification Treatment in Youth With Treatment-Resistant Anxiety Disorders”. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 59, s. 157-165.



OpmĂŠrksomhedstrĂŠning ĂŠndrer autonom fleksibilitet og giver strukturelle ĂŠndringer, som er afgĂžrende for at opretholde kognition.

Lin, F.V., Tao, Y., Chen, Q., Anthony, M., Zhang, Z., Tadin, D. & Heffner, K.L. (2020) ”Processing speed and attention training modifies autonomic flexibility: A mechanistic intervention study”. NeuroImage 213, article 116730.



SvĂŠr depression i senlivet blev forbedret med opmĂŠrksomhedstrĂŠning og forbedrede kognitiv fleksibilitet og hukommelse.

Morimoto, S.S., Altizer, R.A., Gunning, F.M., Hu, W., Liu, J., Cote, S.E., Nitis, J. & Alexopoulos, G.S. (2020) ”Targeting Cognitive Control Deficits With Neuroplasticity-Based Computerized Cognitive Remediation in Patients With Geriatric Major Depression: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Controlled Trial”. The American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 28(9), s. 971-980.



BĂ„de depression og medicinsk behandling af depression giver et ekstraordinĂŠrt svind i hjernebarken.

Voineskos, A.N., Mulsant, B.H., Dickie, E.W., Neufeld, N.H., Rothschild, A.J., Whyte, E.M., Meyers, B.S., Alexopoulos, G.S., Hoptman, M.J., Lerch, J.P. & Flint, A.J. (2020) ”Effects of Antipsychotic Medication on Brain Structure in Patients With Major Depressive Disorder and Psychotic Features: Neuroimaging Findings in the Context of a Randomized Placebo-Controlled Clinical Trial”. JAMA Psychiatry 77(7), s. 674-683. Abstract:


Lancet rapport om de 12 bedst undersÞgte risikofaktorer for at udvikle demens i USA. Det giver dog kun en indikation for et mindretal af tilfÊldene, hvilket betyder, at hovedÄrsagen skal findes i ikke-undersÞgte Ärsager.

Livingston, G., Huntley, J., Sommerlad, A., Ames, D., Ballard, C., Banerjee, S., Brayne, C., Burns, A., Cihen-Mansfield, J., Cooper, C., Costafreda, S.G., Dias, A., Fox, N., Gitlin, L.N., Howard, R., Kales, H.C., KivimĂ€ki, M., Larson, E.B., Ogunniyi, A., Ortega, V., Ritchie, K., Rockwood, K., Sampson, E., Samus, Q., Schneider, L.S., SelbĂŠk, G., Teri, L. & Mukadam, N. (2020) ”Dementia preventions, intervention and care: 2020 report of the Lancet Commision”. The Lancet 396(10248), s. 413-446.


Attention Bias Modification reducerer klinisk depression og Ăžger opmĂŠrksomheden mod lykke.

Dai, Q., Hu, L. & Feng, Z. (2019) ”Attentional bias modification reduces clinical depression and enhances attention toward happiness”. Journal of Psychiatric Research 109, s. 145-155.


HjernestrukturĂŠndringer induceret af opmĂŠrksomhedsbias-modifikationstrĂŠning.

Abend, R., Rosenfelder, A., Sgamai, D., Pine, D.S., Tavor, I., Assaf, Y. & Bar-Haim, Y. (2019) ”Brain structure changes induced by attention bias modification training”. Biological Psychology 146, article 107736.


Attention Bias Modification er forbundet med fMRI-respons mod negative stimuli hos individer med resterende depression.

Hilland, E., Landrþ, N.I., Harmer, C.J. Browning, M., Maglanoc, L.A. & Jonassen, R. (2019) ”Attentional bias modification is associated with fMRI response toward negative stimuli in individuals with residual depression: a randomized controlled trial”. Journal of Psychiatry & Neuroscience 45(1), s. 23-33.


AMB virker mod resterende depressionssymptomer.

Jonassen, R., Harmer, C.J., Hilland, E., Maglanoc, L.A., Kraft, B., Browning, M., Stiles, T.C., Haaland, V.Ø., Berge, T. & Landrþ, N.I. (2019) ”Effects of Attentional Bias Modification on residual symptoms in depression: a randomized controlled trial”. BMC Psychiatry 19(1), s. 141.



Alle har gavn af ABM mod angst, men personer med langvarig amygdalarespons opnÄr mindre resultater.

Woody, M.L., Yang, J.O., Cummings, L., Gilchrist, D., Graur, S., Siegle, G.J. & Price, R.B. (2019) ”Protracted amygdalar response predicts efficacy of a computer-based intervention targeting attentional patterns in transdiagnostic clinical anxiety”. Translational Psychiatry 9(1), s. 121.



SammenhÊngene mellem alder, lÊreprocesser og klinisk respons pÄ ABMT.

Abend, R., Naim, R., Pergamin-Hight, L., Fox, N.A., Pine, D.S. & Bar-Haim, Y. (2019) ”Age Moderates Link Between Training Effects and Treatment Response to Attention Bias Modification Treatment for Social Anxiety Disorder”. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology 47(5), 881-894.



Digitale mentale sundhedsinterventioner er effektive til at forbedre depression, angst og psykologisk velvĂŠre blandt universitetsstuderende.

Wafford, Q.E. & Graham, A.K. (2019) ”Digital Mental Health Interventions for Depression, Anxiety, and Enhancement of Psychological Well-Being Among College Students: Systematic Review”. Journal of Medical Internet Research 21(7), article e12869.



BC-ABM og ACT giver betydelige reduktioner i symptomer og er en lovende behandling mod PTSD.

Lazarov, A., Suarez, Jimenez, B., Abend, R., Naim, R., Shvil, E., Helpman, L., Zhu, X., Tapini, A., Duroski, A., Rom, R., Schneier, F.R., Pine, D.S., Bar-Haim, Y. & Neria, Y. (2019) ”Bias-contingent attention bias modification and attention control training in treatment of PTSD: a randomized control trial”. Psychological Medicine 49(14), s. 2432-2440.



Resultater understĂžtter ABM’s potentiale til at reducere unges angst.

Chang, S.W., Kuckertz, J.M., Bose, D., Carmona, A.R., Piacentini, J. & Amir, N. (2019) ”Efficacy of Attention Bias Training for Child Anxiety Disorders: A Randomized Controlled Trial”. Child Psychiatry & Human Development 50(2), s. 198-208.



OpmĂŠrksomhed mod trussel er impliceret som nĂžglemekanismer i angst og kan modificeres gennem ABM.

Price, R.B., Woody, M.L., Panny, B. & Siegle, G.J. (2019) ”Pinpointing mechanisms of a mechanistic treatment: Dissociable roles for overt and covert attentional processes in acute and long-term outcomes following Attention Bias Modification”. Clinical Psychological Science 7(5), s. 1042-1062.



Effekten af ​​app-stĂžttede smartphone-interventioner til almindelige psykiske problemer blev sĂ„ledes bekrĂŠftet. 

Linardon, J., Cuijpers, P., Carlbring, P., Messer, M. & Fuller-Tyszkiewicz, M. (2019) ”The efficacy of app-supported smartphone interventions for mental health problems: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials”. World Psychiatry 18(3), s. 325-336.



Skiziofrenipatienter fÄr forbredret deres opmÊrksomhedsevne med computerbaseret hjernetrÊning.

Prikken, M., Konings, M.J., Lei, W.U., Begemann, M.J.H. & Sommer, I.E.C. (2019) ”The efficacy of computerized cognitive drill and practice training for patients with a schizophrenia-spectrum disorder: A meta-analysis”. Schizophrenia Research 204, s. 368-374.



Wellness-program pÄ arbejdspladsen reducerer ikke stress.

Song, Z. & Baicker, K. (2019) ”Effect of a Workplace Wellness Program on Employee Health and Economic  Outcomes: A Randomized Clinical Trial”. Journal of the American Medical Association 321(15), s. 1491-1501.



De fleste eller alle effekter af antidepressiva mod ​​depression og angst skyldes placebo.

Kirsch, I. (2019) ”Placebo Effect in the Treatment of Depresion and Anxiety”. Frontiers Psichiatry, sec. Psychological Therapy and Psychosomatics 10.



Antidepressiva associeres med demens.

Richardson, K., Fox, C., Maidment, I., Steel, N., Loke, Y.K., Arthur, A., Myint, P.K., Grossi, C.M., Mattishent, K., Bennett, K., Campekk, N.L., Boustani, M., Robinson, L., Brayne, C., Matthews, F.E. & Savva, G.M. (2019) ”Anticholinergic drugs and risk of dementia: case-control study – October 31, 2019”. BMJ 2019, Article 367.



ABM forbedrer iboende netvĂŠrk for opmĂŠrksomhedskontrol.

Hakamata, Y., Mizukami, S., Komi, S., Sato, E., Moriguchi, Y., Motomura, Y., Mauro, K., Izawa, S., Kim, Y., Hanakawa, T., Inoue, Y. & Tagaya, H. (2018) ”Attentional bias modification alters intrinsic functional network of attentional control: A randomized controlled trial”. Journal of Affective Disorders 238., s. 472-481.



ABM er et potentielt effektivt beskyttende vĂŠrktĂžj til temperamentsmĂŠssigt udsatte bĂžrn.

Liu, P., Taber-Thomas, B.C., Fu, X. & Perez-Edgar, K.E. (2018) ”Biobehavioral Markers of Attention Bias Modification in Temperamental Risk for Anxiety: A Randomized Control Trial”. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 57(2), s. 103-110.



ABM mod angst kan forbedres, hvis det kan rettes direkte mod den enkeltes trusselsbillede.

Price, R.B., Cummings, L., Gilchrist, D., Grauer, S., Banihashemi, L., Kuo, S.S. & Siegle, G.J. (2018) ”Towards personalized, brain-based behavioral intervention for transdiagnostic anxiety: Transient neural responses to negative images predict outcomes following a targeted computer-based intervention”. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 86(12), s. 1031-1045.


Resultaterne beviser fordelene ved videospiltrÊning pÄ kognitive og fÞlelsesmÊssige fÊrdigheder for voksne, isÊr hos unge voksne.

Pallavicini, F., Ferrari, A. & Mantovani, F. (2018) ”Video Games for Well-Being: A Systematic Review on the Application of Computer Games for Cognitive and Emotional Training in the Adult Population”. Frontiers in Psychology 9, s. 2127.



OpmĂŠrksomhedstrĂŠning modulerer neurofysiske abnormiteter hos personer med PTSD.

Badura-Brack, A., McDermott, T.J., Becker, K.M., Ryan, T.J., Khanna, M.M., Pine, D.S., BarHaim, Y., Hendrichs-Graham, E. & Wilson, T.W. (2018) ”Attention training modulates resting-state neurophysiological abnormalities in posttraumatic stress disorder”. Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging 271, s. 135-141.



OpmĂŠrksomhedstrĂŠning i form af GMT giver signifikante resultater i forhold til unge med angst.

Crowley, M.J., Nicholls, S.S., McCarthy, D., Greatorex, K., Wu, J. & Mayes, L.C. (2017) ”Innovations in practice: group mindfulness for adolescent anxiety – results of an open trial”. The Association for Child and Adolescent Mental Health 23(2) 2018, s. 130-133.



En enkelt dosis ATT gav signifikant plus alfa i regioner, der har med top-down-styring af opmĂŠrksomhed og meget mere at gĂžre.

Knowles, M.M. & Wells, A. (2018) ”Single Dose of the Attention Training Technique Increases Resting Alpha and Beta-Oscillations in Frontoparietal Brain Networks: A Randomized Controlled Comparison”. Frontiers Psychology, Sec. Psychology for Clinical Settings 9. Abstract:


OpmÊrksomhedstrÊning viste Þget blodiltning i den hÞjre inferior frontale gyrus, den hÞjre dorsolaterale     prÊfrontale cortex og den overlegne parietale lobule, sammenlignet med en kontroltilstand. ATT Þgede omrÄder af det kognitive kontrolnetvÊrk og dorsale opmÊrksomhedsnetvÊrk.

Rosenbaum, D., Mair, J.M., Hudak, J., Metzger, F.G., Wells, A., Fallgatter, J. &

Ehlis, A. (2018) ”Neurophysiological correlates of the attention training technique:  A component study”. NeuroImage: Clinical 19, s. 1018-1024. 



Bevidstheden bakker for det meste op om, hvad autopiloten sender, dels fordi det er lettest, og del fordi bevidstheden ”lammes” af negative tankemþnstre kaldet CAS.

Capobianco, L., Morris, J.A. & Wells, A. (2018) ”Worry and rumination: do they prolong physiological and affective recovery from stress?”. Anxiety, Stress and Coping 31(3), s. 1-13. Abstract:


Virkningen af opmÊrksomhedsbias-modifikation kan mÄles biologisk pÄ gravides stress- og angstniveau.

Dennis-Tiwary, T.A., Denefrio, S. & Gelber, S. (2017) ”Salutary effects of an attention bias modification mobile application on biobehavioral measures of stress and anxiety during pregnancy”. Biological Psychology 127, s. 148-156.



CBM er effektivt mod angst hos voksne, og resultaterne fremhĂŠver nogle forhold, hvor CBM er mest effektivt.

Jones, E.B. & Sharpe, L. (2017) ”Cognitive bias modification: A review of meta-analyses”. Journal of Affective Disorders 223, s. 175-183.


ABM-500 bias-reduktion signifikant forbundet med Ăžget smertetolerance.

Bowler, J.O., Bartholomew, K.J., Kellar, I., Makintosh, B., Hoppitt, L. & Bayliss, A.P. (2017) ”Attentional bias modification for acute experimental pain: A randomized controlled trial of retraining early versus later attention on pain severity, threshold and tolerance”. European Journal of Pain 21(1), s. 112-124.



ABM-positiv-sÞgning-trÊning virker lovende til at reducere angst. 

Mogg, K., Waters, A.M. & Bradley, B.P. (2017) ”Attention Bias Modification (ABM): Review of Effects of Multisession ABM Training on Anxiety and Threat-Related Attention in High-Anxious Individuals”. Clinical Psychological Science 5(4), s. 698-717.



Psykologiske interventioner leveret via smartphone-enheder kan reducere angst.

Firth, J., Torous, J., Nicholas, J., Carney, R., Rosenbaum, S. & Sarris, J. (2017) ”Can smartphone mental health interventions reduce symptoms of anxiety? A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials”. Journal of Affective Disorders 218, s. 15-22.



ABMT har potentiale som en forebyggende intervention for at reducere risikoen for stressrelaterede symptomer forbundet med kampeksponering.

Wald, I., Bitton, S., Levi, O., Zusmanovich, S., Fruchter, E., Ginat, K., Charney, D.S., Pine, D.S. & Bar-Haim, Y. (2017) ”Acute delivery of attention bias modification training (ABMT) moderates the association between combat exposure and posttraumatic symptoms: A feasibility study”. Biological Psychology 122, s. 93-97.



Elektronisk kognitiv trĂŠning opbygger en kognitiv reserve, sĂ„ de demente borgere har mere at ”trĂŠkke pĂ„â€ i opgaver i hverdagen.

Smérup, M.  (2017) ”Opmérksomhedstréning med teknologi”. Artikel i Via University College.



ABM giver spontane hjerneaktivitetsĂŠndringer hos unge kvinder med subtĂŠrskeldepression.

Li, H., Wei, D., Browning, M., Du, X., Zhang, Q. & Qiu, J. (2016) ”Attentional bias modification (ABM) training induces spontaneous brain activity changes in young women with subthreshold depression: a randomized controlled trial”. Psychological Medicine 46(5), s. 909-920.


ABM virker for unge med svĂŠr depression.

Yang, W., Zhang, J.X., Ding, Z. & Xiao, L. (2016) ”Attention Bias Modification Treatment for Adolescents With Major Depression: A Randomized Controlled Trial”. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 55(3), s. 208-218.e2.



Attention Bias Modification behandler teenagere med alvorlig depression.

Yang, W., Zhang, J.X., Ding, Z. & Xiao, L. (2016) ”Attention Bias Modification Treatment for Adolescents With Major Depression: A Randomized Controlled Trial”. Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry 55(3), s. 208-218.



ABMT gav signifikante reduktioner i social angst.

Pergamin-Hight, L., Pine, D.S., Fox, N.A. & Bar-Haim, Y. (2016) ”Attention bias modification for youth with social anxiety disorder”. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 57(11), s. 1317-1325.



ABM reducerer signifikant deltagernes frygt for negative evalueringer og interaktionel angst.

Liang, C.W. & Hsu, W.Y. (2016) ”Effects of attention bias modification with short and long stimulus-duration: A randomized experiment with individuals with subclinical social anxiety”. Psychiatry Research 240, s. 80-87.


Fire sessioner med ABMT, leveret til soldater fÞr kampudsendelse, mindskede PTSD-risikoen efter kampeksponering. 

Wald, I., Ginat, K., Stolin, E., Dagan, D., Bliese, P.D., Quartana, P.J., Sipos, M.L., Pine, D.S. & Bar-Haim, Y. (2016) ”Selective prevention of combat-related post-traumatic stress disorder using attention bias modification training: a randomized controlled trial”. Psychological Medicine 46(12), s. 2627-2637.



ATT er siden blevet anerkendt som en effektiv stand-alone-behandling for bÄde angst og depressive lidelser.

Fergus, T.A. & Bardeen, J.R. (2016). ”The attention training technique: A review of a neurobehavioral therapy for emotional disorders”. Cognitive and Behavioral Practice, 23(4), s. 502-516.



En systematisk gennemgang af effektiviteten af ​​opmĂŠrksomhedstrĂŠningsteknikken i kliniske og ikke-kliniske prĂžver. ATT er effektiv til behandling af angst og depressive lidelser og kan afhjĂŠlpe nogle symptomer pĂ„ skizofreni.

Knowles, M.M., Foder, F., El-Deredy, W. & Wells, A. (2016) ”A Systematic Review of Efficacy of the Attention Training Technique in Clinical and Nonclinical Samples”. Journal of Clinical Psychology 72, s. 999-1025.



ATT er blevet anerkendt som en effektiv stand-alone-behandling for bÄde angst og depressive lidelser.

Fergus, T.A. & Bardeen, J.R. (2016) ”The Attention Training Technique: A review of a neurobehavioral therapy for anxiety and related disorders”. Cognitive and Behavioral Practice 23(4), s. 502-506.



Visuel opmĂŠrksomhedstrĂŠning bremser kognitiv tilbagegang ved mild kognitiv svĂŠkkelse og har overfĂžrselseffekter til hverdagslivet.

Lin, F., Heffner, K.L., Ren, P., Tivarus, M.E., Brasch, M.S., Chen, DG., Mapstone, M., Persteinsson, A.P. & Tadin, D. (2016) ”Cognitive and Neural Effects of Vision-Based Speed of Processing Training in Older Adults with Amnestic Mild Cognitive Impairment: A Pilot Study”. Journal of the American geriatrics Society 64(6), s. 1293-1298.



MÄlretning af indre ÄrvÄgenhed i kognitiv trÊning giver forbedret eksekutive funktioner hos Êldre voksne.

Van Vleet, T.M., DeGutis, J.M., Merzenich, M.M., Simpson, G.V., Zomet, A. & Dabit, S. (2016) ”Targeting Alertness to Improve Cognition in Older Adults: A Preliminary Report of Benefits in Executive Function and Skill Acquistion”. Cortex Journal 82, s. 100-118.



I stor undersĂžgelse var de der var diagnosticeret med en psykiatrisk lidelse mere tilbĂžjelige til at udvikle demens, fordi lĂŠngerevarende stress kan medfĂžre celledĂžd i hippocampus.

McEwen, B.S., Nasca, C. & Gray, J.D. (2016) “Stress Effects on Neuronal Structure: Hippocampus, Amygdala, and Prefrontal Cortex”. Neuropsychopharmacology, vol 41, s. 3-23.



Attentional Bias Training reducerer symptomer pÄ angst.

Klosowska, J., Blaut, A. & Paulewicz, B. (2015) ”Attentional bias training in reducing symptoms of anxiety”. Psychiatria Polska 49(1), s. 57-66.



CBM og iCBT gav signifikante reduktioner i primÊre mÄl for depression og fortolkningsbias.

Williams, A.D., O’Moore, K., Blackwell, S.E., Smith, J., Holmes, E.A. & Andrews, G. (2015) ”Positive imagery cognitive bias modification (CBM) and internet-based cognitive behavioral therapy (iCBT): a randomized controlled trial”. Journal of Affective Disorders 178, s. 131-141.


Evidens for effekten af ​​cCBT i behandlingen af ​​angst og depressive symptomer hos unge.

Ebert, D.D., Zarski, A.C., Christensen, H., Stikkelbroek, Y., Cuijpers, P., Berking, M. & Riper, H. (2015) ”Internet and computer-based cognitive behavioral therapy for anxiety and depression in youth: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled outcome trials”. PLOS One 10(3), article e0119895.



ABM er et nyttigt vÊrktÞj til forebyggelse af depressive symptomer. 

Yang, W., Ding, Z., Dai, T., Peng, F. & Zhang, J.X. (2015) ”Attention Bias Modification training in individuals with depressive symptoms: A randomized controlled trial”. Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry 49(Pt A), s. 101-111.



Mange forskningsresultater viser, at Attention Bias Modification virker mod social angst. Enhver hjernetrĂŠning kan Ăžge den udĂžvende kontrol over opmĂŠrksomhed og derved hjĂŠlpe folk med at hĂŠmme deres angsttanker.

Heeren, A., Mogoase, C., McNally, R.J., Schmitz, A. & Philippot, P. (2014) ”Does attention bias modification improve attentional control? A double-blind randomized experiment with individuals with social anxiety disorder”. Journal of Anxiety Disorders 29, 2015, s. 35-42.



OpmĂŠrksomhedstrĂŠning i form af kognitiv adfĂŠrdsterapi er en effektiv behandling af bĂžrn og unges angstlidelser.

James, A.C., James, G., Cowdrey, F.A., ​​Soler, A. & Choke, A. (2015) ”Cognitive behavioural therapy for anxiety disorders in children and adolescents”. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2015, 2. udgave, article CD004690. 



Kombineret fysisk og kognitiv trĂŠning forbedrer den globale kognition, men mindre udtalt hos ĂŠldre voksne med mere alvorlige neurokognitive sygdomme.

Bamidis, P.D., Fissler, P., Papageorgiou, S.G., Zilidou, V., Konstantinidis, E.I., Billis, A.S., Romanopoulou, E., Karagianni, M., Beratis, I., Tsapanou, A., Tsilikopoulou, G., Grigoriadou, E., Lades, A., Kyrillidou, A., Tsolaki, A., Frantzidis, C., Sidiropoulos E., Siountas, S., Matsi, S., Papatriantafyllou, J., Margioti, E., Nika, A., Schlee, W., Elbert, T., Tsolaki, M., Vivas, A.B. & Kolassa, I.T. (2015) ”Gains in cognition through combined cognitive and psysical training: the role of training dosage and severity of neurocognitive disorder”. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience 7, s. 152.



Psykiske sygdomme giver reduktion i hjernebarken og nedsat kognition.

Goodkind, M., Eickhoff, S.B., Oathes, D.J., Jiang, Y., Chang, A., Jones-Hagata, L.B., Ortega, B.N., Zaiko, Y.V., Riach, E.L., Korgaonkar, M.S., Grieve, S.M., Galatzer-Levy, I., Fox, P.T. & Etkin, A. (2015) ”Identification of a Common Neurobiological Substrate for Mental Illness”. JAMA Psychiatry 72(4), s. 305-315.



Varierede trÊnings opgaver mÄlrettet forskellige kognitive funktioner overfÞrer signifikante forbedringer til utrÊnede omrÄder i hjernen.

Hardy, J.L., Nelson, R.A., Thomason, M.E., Sternberg, D.A., Katovich, K., Farzin, F. & Scanlon, M. (2015) ”Enhancing Cognitive Abilities with Comprehensive Training: A Large, Online, Randomized, Active-Controlled Trial”. Plos, 2. september.



Kognitiv trĂŠning bremser nedbrydning af balanceevnen og forbedrer gangfunktionen, mens den er distraheret, hvilket gĂžr det til en lovende tilgang til faldforebyggelse.

Smith-Ray, R.L., Hughes, S.L., Prohaska, T.R., Little, D.M., Jurivich, D.A. & Hedeker, D. (2015) ”Impact of Cognitive Training on Balance and Gait in Older Adults”. The Journal of Gerontology Series B, Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences 70(3), s. 357-366.


Lumosity ( har Ăžvelser, som med dokumenteret effekt trĂŠner alle eksekutive funktioner, inklusive opmĂŠrksomheden.

Jaeggi, S.M., Buschkuehl, M., Duncan, G.J., Tsai, N., Sheehan, E. & Au, J. (2015) ”Improving fluid intelligence with training on working memory: a meta-analysis”. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 22. april (2), s. 266-377.



OpmĂŠrksomhedsbias-modifikation reducerede social fobi hos unge.

De Voogd, E.L., Wiers, R.W., Prins, P.M.J. & Salemink, E. (2014) ”Visual search attentional bias modification reduced social phobia in adolescents”. Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry 45(2), s. 252-259.



ABM mod angst gav strukturelle neurale ĂŠndringer.

Britton, J.C., Suway, J.G., Clementi, M.A., Fox, N.A., Pine, D.S. & Bar-Haim, Y. (2014) ”Neural changes with attention bias modification for anxiety: a randomized trial”. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience 10(7), s. 913-920.



ABM er en lovende ny behandling for bĂžrn og unges angstlidelser med fordele i forhold til lĂŠngerevarende, talebaserede terapier.

Howther, H. & Newman, E. (2014) ”Attention bias modification (ABM) as a treatment for child and adolescent anxiety: a systematic review”. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 168, s. 125-135.



CBM og CBT ĂŠndrede negative opmĂŠrksomhedsforstyrrelser i en positiv retning og reducerede social angst-symptomer.

Mobini, S., Mackintosh, B., Illingworth, J., Gega, L., Langdon, P. & Hoppitt, L. (2014) ”Effects of standard and explicit cognitive bias modification and computer-administered cognitive-behaviour therapy on cognitive biases and social anxiety”. Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry 45(2), s. 272-279.



CBM-I kan bruges som et forebyggende vĂŠrktĂžj til at hjĂŠlpe med at reducere angst.

Hoppitt, L., Illingworth, J.L., MacLeod, C., Hampshire, A., Dunn, B.D. & Mackintosh, B. (2014) ”Modifying social anxiety related to a real-life stressor using online Cognitive Bias Modification for interpretation”. Behavior Research and Therapy 52(100), s. 45-52.



ABM er en lovende ny behandling til bĂžrn og unges angstlidelser og bedre end lĂŠngerevarende, talebaserede terapier.

Lowther, H. & Newman, E. (2014) ”Attention bias modification (ABM) as a treatment for child and adolescent anxiety: A systematic review. Journal of Affective Disorders 168, s. 125-135.



Doktorafhandling om 588 studier af Attention Bias Modification, konklusion: stor effekt pÄ angst og depression hos unge.

Brown, A. (2014) ”Predictors of change in treatment outcome for parent-delivered guided CBT bibliotherapy for children with anxiety: Effects of age, severity and comorbidity at long term follow-up”. Doctoral thesis (D.Clin.Psy), UCL (University College London).

Abstract: Doktorafhandling:


Computer-opmĂŠrksomhedstrĂŠning virker hurtigere end escitalopram mod depression og forbedrer eksekutive evner.

Morimoto, S.S., Wexler, B.E., Liu, J., Hu, W., Seirup, J. & Alexopoulos, G.S. (2014) ”Neuroplasticity-based computerized cognitive remediation for treatment-resistant geriatric depression”. Nature Communications 5, s. 4579.


Neurokognitiv intervention for drĂžvtygning ved depression.

Siegle, G.J., Price, R.B., Jones, N.P., Ghinassi, F., Painter, T. & Thase, M.E. (2014) ”You Gotta Work at It: Pupillary Indices of Task Focus Are Prognostic for Response to a Neurocognitive Intervention for Rumination in Depression”. Clinical Psychological Science 2(4), s. 455-471. Abstract:


Adaptiv opmĂŠrksomhedstrĂŠning mindsker distraherbarheden hos ĂŠldre og forbedrer kognitionen.

Mishra, J., de Villers-Sidani, E., Merzenich, M. & Gazaley, A. (2014) ”Adaptive training diminishes distractibility in aging across species”. Neuron 84(5), s. 1091-1103.



Neuroplasticitetsbaseret trĂŠning kan lette sammenhĂŠngende interaktion mellem fjerne hjerneregioner og fĂžlgelig forbedre kognitiv ydeevne hos ĂŠldre mennesker.

Frantzidis, C.A., Ladas, A.K.I., Vivas, A.B., Tsolaki, M. & Bamidis, P.D. (2014) ”Cognitive and psysical training for the elderly: evaluating outcome efficacy by means of neuropsysiologocal synchronization”. International Journal of Psychophysiology 93(1), s. 1-11.



Ti Ärs virkning af kognitiv trÊning pÄ hverdagsfunktioner hos Êldre.

Rebok, G.W., Ball, K., Guey, L.T., Jones, R.N., Kim, HY., King, J.W., Marsiske, M., Morris, J.N. Tennstedt, S.L., Unverzagt, F.W. & Willis, S.L. (2014) ”Ten-Year Effects of the Active Cognitive Training Trail on Cognition and Everyday Functioning in Older Adults”. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 62(1), s. 16-24.



Ældre voksne med de stþrste fald i eksekutiv funktion oplever flere fald, men kognitiv og opmérksomhedstréning forbedrer dette vésentligt.

Smith-Ray, R.L., Makowski-Woidan, B. & Hughes, S.L. (2014) ”A Randomized Trial to Measure the Impact of a Community-Based Cognitive Training Intervention on Balance and Gait in Cognitively Intact Black Older Adults”. Health Education & Behavior, Peer-reviewed journal 41(1 0), s. 62-29.



Kombination af ATT med en arbejdshukommelsesopgave Ăžger aktiviteten i den dorsolaterale prĂŠfrontale cortex (dlPFC), forbedrer den udĂžvende kontrol og forstyrrer amygdala-aktiviteten i unipolar depression.

Siegle, G.J., Price, R.B., Jones, N.P., Ghinassi, F., Painter, T. & Thase, M.E. (2014) ”You gotta work at it: Pupillary indices of task focus are prognostic for response to a neurocognitive intervention for rumination in depression”. Clinical Psychological Science 2(4), s. 455-471.



Seks ugers hjernetrÊning af Êldre voksne viste stÊrke positive effekter pÄ hverdagens problemlÞsning og rÊsonnement.

Strenzjok, M., Parasuraman, R., Clarke, E., Cisler, D.S., Thompson, J.C. & Greenwood, P.M. (2014) ”Neurocognitive enhancement in older adilts: comparison of three cognitive training task to test a hypothesis of training transfer in brain connectivity”. Neuroimage 85(3), s. 1027-1039.



Computerized Cognitive Bias Modification CBM viste signifikante reduktioner i primÊre mÄl for depressive symptomer og angst.

Williams, A.D., Blackwell, S.E., Mackenzie, A., Holmes, E.A. & Andrews, G. (2013) ”Combining imagination and reason in the treatment of depression: a randomized controlled trial of internet-based cognitive-bias modification and internet-CBT for depression”. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 81(5), s. 793-799.


Unge med social angst behandlet med CBT-opmĂŠrksomhedstrĂŠning har positiv effekt i mere end et Ă„r efter.

Kerns, C.M., Read, K.L., Klugman, J. & Kendall, P.C. (2013) ”Cognitive behavioral therapy for youth with social anxiety: Differential short and long-term treatment outcomes”. Journal of Anxiety Disorders 27(2), s. 210-215. Abstract:


Betydelige kliniske gevinster ved hjĂŠlp af guidet selvhjĂŠlps-CBT, leveret via forĂŠldre, til bĂžrns angstlidelser.

Thirlwall, K., Cooper, P.J., Karalus, J., Voysey, M., Willetts, L. & Creswell, C. (2013) ”Treatment of child anxiety disorders via guided parent-delivered cognitive–behavioural therapy: Randomised controlled trial”. The British Journal of Psychiatry 203(6), s. 436-444.



Hvilke angstramte bÞrn fÄr mest ud af CBT-opmÊrksomhedstrÊning?

Hudson, J.L., Lester, K.J., Lewis, C.M., Tropeano, M., Creswell, C., Collier, D.A., Cooper, P., Lyneham, H.J., Morris, T., Rapee, R.K., Roberts, S., Donald, J.A. & Eley, T.C. (2013) ”Predicting outcomes following cognitive behaviour therapy in child anxiety disorders: the influence of genetic, demographic and clinical information”. The Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 54, s. 1086-1094.



OpmĂŠrksomhedstrĂŠning forbedrer kognitiv funktion, opretholder livskvalitet og funktionel uafhĂŠngighed, holder over ti Ă„r.

Tennstedt, S.L. & Unverzagt, F.W. (2013) ”The Active Study: Study Overview and Major Findings”. Journal of Aging and Health 25(8 0), s. 3-20.



Computerbaseret hjernetrÊning, specielt opmÊrksomhedstrÊning, overgÄr krydsord i flere mÄl for kognitiv funktion.

Wolinsky, F.D., Weg, M.W.V., Howren, M.B., Jones, M.P. & Dotson, M.M. (2013) ”A Randomized Controlled Trial of Cognitive Training Using a Visual Speed of Processing Intervention in Middle Aged and Older Adults”. PLoS ONE 8(5).



Cognitive Bias Modification kan reducere angstsÄrbarhed og lindre dysfunktionel angst.

Macleod, C. & Matthews, A. (2012) ”Cognitive bias modification approaches to anxiety”. Annual Review of Clinical Psychology 8, s. 189-217.



ABM reducerer pĂŠdiatriske angstsymptomer og svĂŠrhedsgrad.

Eldar, S., Apter, A., Lotan, D., Edgar, K.P., Naim, R., Fox, N.A., Pine, D.S. & Bar-Haim, Y. (2012) ”Attention bias modification treatment for pediatric anxiety disorders: a randomized controlled trial”. The American Journal of Psychiatry 169(2), s. 213-220.



BĂ„de CBM og CBT gav signifikant reducerede niveauer af social angst, karaktertrĂŠksangst og depression og forbedret opmĂŠrksomhedskontrol.

Bowler, J.O., Mackintosh, B., Dunn, B.D., Mathews, A., Dalgleish, T. & Hoppitt, L. (2012) ”A comparison of cognitive bias modification for interpretation and computerized cognitive behavior therapy: effects on anxiety, depression, attentional control, and interpretive bias”. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 80(6), s. 1021-1033.



Multisession computerstyret fortolkningsmodifikationsprogram IMP reducerede signifikant trusselsfortolkninger og Ăžgede godartede fortolkninger.

Amir, N. & Taylor, C.T. (2012) ”Interpretation training in individuals with generalized social anxiety disorder: a randomized controlled trial”. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 80(3), s. 497-511.


Computer-leveret AMP+CCBT er en effektiv og lettilgÊngelig behandlingsmulighed for personer med generaliseret angst. 

Amir, N. & Taylor, C.T. (2012) ”Combining computerized home-based treatments for generalized anxiety disorder: an attention modification program and cognitive behavioral therapy”. Behaviour Research and Therapy 43(3), s. 546-559.



OpmĂŠrksomhedsbias-modifikation virker som en kognitiv vaccine mod depression.

Browning, M., Holmes, E.A., Charles, M., Cowen, P.J. & Harmer, C.J. (2012) ”Using attentional bias modification as a cognitive vaccine against depression”. Biological Psychiatry 72(7), s. 572-579.



OpmĂŠrksomhedstrĂŠning i form af Group Mindfulness Treapi (GMT) medfĂžrte signifikante forbedringer i forhold til angst, internalisering, stress og opmĂŠrksomhed.

Weare, K. (2012) ”Evidence of the Impact of Mindfulness on Children and Young People”. Universities of Exeter and Southampton, april 2012.



OpmĂŠrksomhedstrĂŠning virker som vaccination mod depression.

Browning, M., Holmes, E.A., Charles, M., Cowen, P.J. & Hamar, C.J. (2012) ”Using Attentional Bias Modificati​on as a Cognitive Vaccine Against Depression”. Biological Psychiatry 72(7), s. 572-579.



Sanseinput til Hjernen er grundlaget for at anvende neurovidenskab i markedsfĂžring.

Plassmann, H., Ramsþy, Z.T. & Milosavljevic, M. (2011) ”Branding the brain: A critical review and outlook”. Journal of Consumer Psychology 22(1), januar 2012, s. 18-36.



Ca. syv procent af synapserne skiftes ud om ugen.

New Scientist, 2.2.2011, & Fredens, K. (2012) Mennesket i hjernen. Hans Reitzels Forlag.


Attentional Bias Modification som en kognitiv vaccine mod depression

Browning, M., Holmes E.A., Charles, M., Cowen, P.J. & Hamar, C.J. (2012) ”Using Attentional Bias Modificati​on as a Cognitive Vaccine Against Depression”. Biological Psychiatry 72(7), s. 572-579.



En enkelt dosis Attention Training Technique forbedrer hvilende alfa- og beta-oscillationer i frontoparietale netvÊrk, der vides at vÊre impliceret i top-down-opmÊrksomhed og eksekutiv kontrol. Hertil begrÊnset theta-bÄndaktivitet.

Chan, A.S., Cheung, M.C., Sze, S.L., Leung, W.W.M. & Shi, D.J. (2011) ”Shaolin dan tian breating fosters relaxed and attentive mind: a randomized controlled neuro-electrophysiological study”. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 4, article 180707, s. 493-502.



CBM virker mod angst.

Beard, C. (2011) ”Cognitive bias modification for anxiety: current evidence and future directions”. Expert Review Neurotherapeutics 11(2), s. 299-311.



Internet-baseret CBT er effektiv for universitetsstuderende med social angst og frygt for offentlig tale.

Tilfors, M., Andersson, G., Ekselius, L., Furmark, T., Lewenhaupt, S., Karlsson, A. & Carlbring, P. (2011) ”A randomized trial of Internet-delivered treatment for social anxiety disorder in high school students”. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy 40(2), s. 147-157.


OpmĂŠrksomhedstrĂŠning reducerer opmĂŠrksomhedsbias for trussel og social angst.

Heeren, A., Lievens, L. & Philippot, P. (2011) ”How does attention training work in social phobia: disengagement from threat or re-engagement to non-threat?” Journal of Anxiety Disorders 25(8), s. 1108-1115.



Mental aktivitet bremser sygdomsprogression ved mild kognitiv svĂŠkkelse (MCI), et forstadie til Alzheimers.

Rosen, A.C., Sugiura, L., Kramer, J.H., Whitfield-Gabrieli, S. & Gabrieli, J.D. (2011) ”Cognitive Training Changes Hippocampal Function in Mild Cognitive Impairment: A Pilot Study”. Journal of Alzheimer®s Disease 26(3), s. 349-357.



Orbitofrontal cortex vurderer, om det er godt eller skidt.

Wallis, J.D. & Kennerley, S.W. (2011) ”Contrasting reward signals in the orbitofrontal cortex and anterior cingulate       cortex”. Annals of the New York Academy of Science, Critical Contributions of the Orbitofrontal Cortex to Behavior 1239)(1), s. 33-42.



Internetbaseret opmĂŠrksomhedstrĂŠning gjorde 70 til 80 procent af angste bĂžrn angstfri.

Khanna, M. & Kendall, P. (2010) ”Computer-assisted cognitive behavioral therapy for child anxiety: results of a randomized clinical trial”. Journal of consulting and clinical psychology, oktober.



Attention Bias Modification kan forbedre nuvĂŠrende behandlinger af angst.

Bar-Haim, Y. (2010) ”Research review: Attention bias modification (ABM): A novel treatment for anxiety disorders”. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 51, s. 859-870.



Attentional Bias Training virker bedst ved lette symptomer, fordi det drejer sig om forebyggelse.

Baert, S., De Raedt, R., Schacht, R. & Koster, E.H.W. (2010) ”Attentional bias training in depression: therapeutic effect depend on depression severity”. Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry 41(3), s. 265-274.



Kognitiv trĂŠning af hukommelse, rĂŠsonnement og bearbejdningshastighed gav 48 procent fĂŠrre kollisioner hos ĂŠldre.

Ball, K., Edwards, J.E., Ross, L.A. & McGwin Jr, G. (2010) ”Cognitive training Decreases Motot Vehicle Collision Involvement Among Older Drivers”. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 58(11), s. 2107-2113.



Kognitiv trĂŠning af rĂŠsonnement og bearbejdningshastighed forbedrer den kognitivspecifikke fĂžlelse af personlig kontrol over ens liv hos ĂŠldre voksne.

Wolinsky, F.D., Weg, M.W.V., Martin, R., Unverzagt, F.W., Willis, S.L., Marsiske, M., Rebok, G.W., Morris, J.N., Ball, K.K. & Tennstedt, S.L. (2010) ”Does Cognitive Training Improve Internal Locus of Control Among Older Adults?”. The Journal of Gerontology Series B, Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences 65B(5), s. 591-598.



Evnen til at kontrollere opmÊrksomheden har en direkte afsmittende effekt pÄ intelligensen og ens evner til at kontrollere sine fÞlelser.

Alloway, T.P. & Alloway, R.G. (2010) ”Investigating the predictive roles of working memory and IQ in academic attainment”. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology 106(1), s. 20-29. Abstract:

Theta-fund er blandt andet forbundet med forskellige former for meditation/mindfuldness.

Travis, F. & Shear, J. (2010) ”Focused attention, open monitoring and automatic self-transcending: Categories to organize meditations from Vedic, Buddhist and Chinese traditions”. Consciousness and Cognition 19(4), s. 1110-1118. 


Theta-fund er blandt andet forbundet med forskellige former for meditation/mindfuldness.

Travis, F. & Shear, J. (2010) ”Focused attention, open monitoring and automatic self-transcending: Categories to organize meditations from Vedic, Buddhist and Chinese traditions”. Consciousness and Cognition 19(4), s. 1110-1118. 



Øget theta-aktivitet afspejler en afslappet, dÞsig tilstand under mindfulness og meditationsbaserede teknikker.

Chiesa, A. & Serretti, A. (2010) ”A systematic review of neurobiological and clinical features of mindfulness meditations”. Psychological Medicine 40(8), s. 1239-1252.



De, som gĂžr stĂŠrkt brug af mange medieformer samtidigt, bliver dĂ„rligere til at koncentrere sig, dĂ„rligere til at   skelne mellem relevante og ikke-relevante informationer og dĂ„rligere til at skifte mellem opgaverne. Hjernen har kun kapacitet til Ă©n bevidst beslutning ad gangen. Ægte opmĂŠrksomhed kan ikke vĂŠre delt.

Ophir, E., Nass, C. & Wagner, A.-D. (2009) ”Cognitive control in media multitaskers”. Psychological and Cognitive Science 106(37), s. 15583-15587.



Computeriserede opmĂŠrksomhedstrĂŠningsprocedurer er gavnlige til behandling af social fobi.

Amir, N., Beard, C., Taylor, C.T., Klumpp, H., Elias, J., Burns, M.N. & Chen, X. (2009) ”Attention training in individuals with generalized social phobia: a randomized controlled trial”. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 77(5), s. 961-973.



OpmĂŠrksomhedstrĂŠning i form af internetbaseret CBT giver en signifikant reduktion i angst hos bĂžrn og unge.

March, S., Spence, S.H. & Donovan C.L. (2009) ”The Efficacy of an Internet-Based Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy Intervention for Child Anxiety Disorders”. Journal of Pediatric Psychology 34, s. 474-487.



To ugers opmĂŠrksomhedstrĂŠning forebygger depression. Attention Control Training reducerede risikoen for igen at blive ramt af depression inden et Ă„r med 38 procent.

Wolinsky, F.D., Mahncke, H.W., Weg, M.W.V., Martin, R., Unverzagt, F.W., Ball, K.K., Jones, R.N. & Tennstedt, S.L. (2009) ”The Active Cognitive Training Interventions and the Onset of and Recovery from Suspected Clinical Depression”. The Journal of Gerontology, Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences 64B(5), s. 577-585.



BearbejdningshastighedstrÊning reducerer depressive symptomer med 30 procent mÄlt i op til fem Är.

Wolinsky, F.D., Vander Weg, M.W., Martin, R., Unverzagt, F.W., Ball, K.K., Jones, R.N. & Tennstedt, S.L. (2009) ”The effect of speed-of-processing training on depressive symptoms in ACTIVE”. The journals of gerontology. Series A, Biological sciences and  medical sciences 64(4), s. 468-472.



Folk kan opnÄ betydelige gevinster i hukommelsen, ogsÄ i hverdagen, hvis de laver den rigtige slags videnskabeligt designede kognitive Þvelser.

Smith, G.E., Housen, P., Yaffe, K. Ruff, R., Kennison, R.F, Mahncke, H.W. & Zelinski, E.M. (2009) ”A Cognitive training Program Based on Principles of Brain Plasticity: Result from the Improvement in Memory with Plasticity-based Adaptive Cognitive Training (IMPACT) Study”. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 57(4), s. 594-603.


Lumosity ( har Ăžvelser, som med dokumenteret effekt trĂŠner alle eksekutive funktioner, inklusive opmĂŠrksomheden.

Holmes, J., Gathercole, S.E. & Dunning, D.L. (2009) ”Adaptive training leads to sustained enhancement of poor working memory in children”. Developmental Science 12(4), s. F9-F15.



Beta-bÄndforbedring afspejler engagement af frontoparietale netvÊrk, der antages at vÊre involveret i top-down-opmÊrksomhedskontrol.

Swann, N., Tandon, N., Canolty, R., Ellmore, T.M., McEvoy, L.K., Dreyer, S., DiSano, M. & Aron, A.R. (2009) ”Intercranial EEG reveals a time- and frequency- specific role for the right inferior frontal gyrus and primary motor cortex in stopping initiated responses”. The Journal of Neuroscience 29(40), s. 12675-12685.



StĂŠrk multitasking gĂ„r hĂ„nd i hĂ„nd med en vigende koncentrationsevne, en dĂ„rligere hukommelse og generelle intellektuelle tilbageskridt. Det stopper aktiviteten i hippocampus. En inaktiv hippocampus kan i den forstand sammenlignes med en skadet hippocampus, som man finder hos folk med Alzheimers – altsĂ„ tab af hukommelse og alvorlig distraktion.

Poldrack, R. (2007) ”Multi-tasking Adversely Affects Brain’s Learning, UCLA Psychologists Report”. Science Daily, 26. juli 2006. Abstract:,retrieve%20the%20information%20as%20easily


Kognitiv kontroltrĂŠning virker mod depression.

Siegle, G.J., Ghinassi, F. & Thase, M.E. (2007) ”Neurobehavioral Therapies in the 21st Century: Summary of an Emerging Field and an Extended Example of Cognitive Control Training for Depression”. Cogn. Therapy Res. 31(2), s. 235-262. Abstract:


Øvelse med FFOV-funktionelt synsfelt-opgaven i BrainHQ forbedrer Êldre voksnes opmÊrksomhedsfunktion.

Scalf, P.E., Colcombe, S.J., McCarley, J.S., Erikson, K.I., Alvarado, M., Kim. J.S., Wadhwa, R.P. & Kramer, A.F. (2007) ”The neural correlates of an expanded functional field of view”. The journals of gerontology. Series B, Psychological science and social science 62, Special no. 1, s. 32-44.



En times bearbejdningshastighedstrĂŠning hos ĂŠldre gav en betydelig forbedring af bearbejdningshastigheden, holdt over to Ă„r.

Vance, D., Dawson, J., Wadley, V., Edwards, J., Roenker, D., Rizzo, M. & Ball, K. (2007). ”The accelerate study: The longitudinal effect of speed of processing training on cognitive performance of older adults”. Rehabilitation Psychology, 52(1), s. 89-96.



Kombination af ATT med en arbejdshukommelsesopgave Ăžger aktiviteten i den dorsolaterale prĂŠfrontale cortex (dlPFC), forbedrer den udĂžvende kontrol og forstyrrer amygdala-aktiviteten i unipolar depression.

Siegle, G.J., Ghinassi, F., & Thase, M.E. (2007) ”Neurobehavioral therapies in the 21st century: Summary of an emerging field and an extended example of cognitive control training for depression”. Cognitive Therapy and Research 31(2), s. 235-262. 



Noget ubehageligt eller truende sendes til overlevelsesfunktionen i hjernestammen.

Herry, C., Bach, D.R., Esposito, F., Di Salle, F., Perrig, W.J., Scheffler, K., LĂŒthi, A. & Seifritz, E. (2007)    ”Processing of temporal unpredictability in human and animal amygdala”. Journal of Neuroscience 27, s. 5958-5966.


Øget theta-aktivitet afspejler en afslappet, dÞsig tilstand under mindfulness og meditationsbaserede teknikker.

Ivanovski, B. & Malhi, G.S. (2007) ”The psychological and neurophysiological concomitants of mindfulness forms of meditation”. Acta Neuropsychiatrica 19(2), s. 76-91.



Beta-bÄndforbedring afspejler engagement af frontoparietale netvÊrk, der antages at vÊre involveret i top-down-opmÊrksomhedskontrol.

Basile, L.F.H., Anghinah, R., Ribeiro, P., Ramos, R.T., Piedade, R., Ballester, G. & Brunetti, E.P. (2007) ”Interindividual variability in EEG correlates of attention and limits of functional mapping”. International Journal of Psychophysiology 65(3), s. 238-251. Abstract:

BearbejdningshastighedstrÊning har signifikant effekt pÄ bearbejdningshastigheden i hverdagens funktioner i minimum fem Är.

Willis, S.L., Tennstedt, S.L., Marsiske, M., Ball, K., Elias, J., Koepke, K.M., Moris, J.N., Rebok, G.W., Unverzagt, F.W., Stoddard, A.M. & Wright, E. (2006) ”Long-term Effects of Cognitive training on Everyday Functional Outcomes in Older Adults”. JAMA 296 (23), s. 2805-2814.



OpmĂŠrksomhedstrĂŠning forbedrer kognitive evner som hukommelse, rĂŠsonnement og bearbejdningshastighed.

Wolinsky, F.D., Unverzagt, F.W., Smith, D.M., Jones, R., Wright, E. & Tennstedt, S.L. (2006) ”The effects of the ACTIVE cognitive training trial on clinical relevant declines in health-related quality of life”. The International journal of gerontology. Series B, Psychological Science and Social Sciences 61(5), s. 281-287.



HÞjfrekvent (HF) repetitiv transkraniel magnetisk stimulation (rTMS) pÄ dorsolaterale prÊfrontale cortex (DLPFC) styrker opmÊrksomheden.

Vanderhasselt, M.A., De Raedt, R., Baeken, C., Leyman, L. & D’Haenen, H. (2006) ”The influence of rTMS over right dorsplateral prefrontal cortex on intentional set switching”. Experimental Brain Research 172(4), s. 561-565.



BÞrn fik valget mellem at spise en Oreo-kiks med det samme eller fÄ to, hvis de kunne vente, til forsÞgslederen kom tilbage. De bÞrn, der kunne, fokuserede opmÊrksomheden pÄ noget andet, og de havde vÊsentlig stÞrre IQ. De kunne ogsÄ bedre styre fÞlelserne.

Eigsti, I., Zayas, V, Mischel, W., Shoda, Y., Ayduk, O., Dadlani, M.B., Davidson, M.C., Aber, J.L. & Casey, B.J. (2006) ”Predicting cognitive control from preschool to late adolescence and young adulthood”. Psychological Science 17(6), s. 478-484. Abstract:


Øget theta-aktivitet afspejler en afslappet, dÞsig tilstand under mindfulness og meditationsbaserede teknikker.

Cahn, B.R. & Polich, J. (2006) ”Meditation states and traits: EEG, ERP, and neuroimaging studies”. Psychological Bulletin 132 (2), s. 180-211.



OverfĂžrsel af hastighed fra bearbejdningstrĂŠning har potentialet til at forbedre hverdagens funktioner, der opretholder uafhĂŠngighed og livskvalitet.

Edwards, J.D., Wadley, V.G., Vance, D.E., Wood, K., Roenker, D.L. & Ball, K.K. (2005) ”The impact of speed of processing training on cognitive and everyday performance”. Aging & Mental Health 9(3), s. 262-271.



BearbejdningshastighedstrÊning forbedrer ikke kun behandlingshastigheden, men overfÞres ogsÄ til visse dagligdags funktioner.

Edwards, J.D., Wadley, V.G., Vance, D.E., Wood, K., Roenker, D.L. & Ball, K.K. (2005) ”The impact of speed of processing training on cognitive and everyday performance”. Aging and Mental Health 9(3), s. 262-271.


Nedsat prÊfrontal funktion er blevet observeret bredt pÄ tvÊrs af flere psykiatriske tilstande.

MacDonald, A.W., Carter, C.S., Kerns, J.G., Ursu, S., Barch, D.M., Holmes, A.J., Stenger, A.W. & Cohen, J.D. (2005) ”Specificity of Prefrontal Dysfunction and Context Processing Deficits to Schizophrenia in Never-Medicated Patients With First-Episode Psychosis”. The American Journal of Psychiatry 162, s. 475-484.



Evnen til at kontrollere opmÊrksomheden har en direkte afsmittende effekt pÄ intelligensen og ens evner til at kontrollere sine fÞlelser.

Rueda, M.R., Rothbart, M.K., McCandliss, B.D., Saccomanno, L. & Posner, M.I. (2005) ”Training, Maturation, and Genetic Influences of the Development of Executive Attention”. PNAS 102(41), s. 14931-14936.



Nedsat prÊfrontal funktion er blevet observeret bredt pÄ tvÊrs af flere psykiatriske tilstande.

Blumberg, H.P., Kaufman, J., Martin, A., Charney, D.S., Krystal, J.H. & Peterson, B.S. (2004) ”Significance of Adolescent Neurodevelopment for the Neural Circuitry of Bipolar Disorder”. Annals of the New York Acadamy of Science, Adolescent Brain Development 1021, s. 376-383.



Meyer, S.E., Carlson, G.A., Wiggs, E.A., Martinez, P.E., Ronsaville, D.S., Klimes-Dougan, B., Gold, P.W. & Radke-Yarrow,, M. (2004) ”A prospective study of the association among impaired executive functioning, childhood attentios problems, and the development of bipolar disorder”. Development and Psykopathology 16(2), s. 461-476.



Beta-bÄndforbedring afspejler engagement af frontoparietale netvÊrk, der antages at vÊre involveret i top-down-opmÊrksomhedskontrol.

Gross, J., Schmitz, F., Schnitzler, I., Kessler, K., Shapiro, K., Hommel, B. & Schnitzler, A. (2004) ”Modulation of long-range neural synchrony reflects temporal limitations of visual attention in humans”. PNAS 101(35), s. 13050-13055.



Aktiveringen af HPA-aksen gÄr ud over evnen til at tÊnke klart. Forhjernen, der er centeret for logik og overordnede fornuftslutninger, gÄr betydeligt langsommere end den refleksmÊssige aktivitet, som styres af baghjernen. Hormorner aktiverer prÊfrontale cortex, centeret for bevidste, viljestyrede handlinger, og giver nedsat bevidst opmÊrksomhed og reduceret intelligens. Binyrernes stresshormoner fÄr blodkarrerne i forhjernen til at trÊkke sig sammen og nedsÊtter deres evne til     at fungere, hvilket medfÞrer nedsat bevidst opmÊrksomhed og reduceret intelligens.

Takamatsu, H. & Noda, A. (2003) ”A PET study following treatment with a pharmalogical stressor, FG7142, in conscious rhesus monleys”. Brain Research 980, s. 275-280.



Hippocampus og den prĂŠfrontale cortex, centeret for hĂžjere tĂŠnkning, er hos kronisk deprimerede patienter skrumpet rent fysisk.

Holden, C. (2003) ”Future Brightening for Depression Treatments”. Science 302(5646), s. 810-813.



TrĂŠning af behandlingshastighed og rumlig opmĂŠrksomhed forbedrede kĂžreegenskaberne hos ĂŠldre.

Roenker, D.L., Ciccell, G.M., Ball, K.K., Wadley, V.G. & Edwards, J.D. (2003) ”Speed-of-processing and driving simulator training result in improved driving performance”. Human factors and ergonomics 45(2), s. 218-233.



Bevidstheden kan programmere autopiloten til at adlyde en instruktion, der overskrider de vanebestemte reaktioner.
Monsell, S. (2003) Task Switching, Trends in Cognitive Science. Science Direct 7(3), s. 134-140.


Beta-bÄndforbedring afspejler engagement af frontoparietale netvÊrk, der antages at vÊre involveret i top-down-opmÊrksomhedskontrol.

Bisley, J.W. & Goldberg, M.E. (2003) ”Neuronal Activity in the Lateral Intraparietal Area and Spatial Attention”. Science 299(5603), s. 81-86.



BearbejdningshastighedstrÊning overfÞres til lignende og forskelligartede hurtige kognitive mÄl, herunder udfÞrelse af instrumentelle aktiviteter i dagligdagen.

Edwards, J.D., Wadley, V.G., Myers, R.S., Roenker, D.L., Cossell, G.M. & Ball K.K. (2002) ”Transfer of a speed of processing intervention to near and far cognitive functions”. Gerontology 48(5), s. 329-340.



NĂ„r anterior cingulate cortex registrerer uĂžnskede thetatanker, sendes besked til dorsolateral prĂŠfrontal cortex om at hĂŠmme.

Crespo-Garcia, M., Wang, Y., Jiamg, M., Anderson, C. & Lei, X. (2002) ”Anterior Cingulate Cortex Signals the Need to Control Intrusive Thoughts during Motivated Forgetting”. Journal of Neuroscience 42(21) s. 4342-4359.



Fingerede knĂŠoperationer havde samme effekt som rigtige knĂŠoperationer.

Moseley, J.B., O’Malley, K., Menke, T.J., Petersen, N.J., Brody, B.A., Kuykendall, D.H., Hollingsworth, J.C.,  Ashton, C.M. & Wray, N.P. (2002) ”A Controlled Trial of Arthroscopic Surgery of Osteoarthritis of the Knee”. New England Journal of Medicine 327(2) s. 81-88.



Professor Irving Kirsch ved Connecticut Universitet konstaterer, at 80 procent af de antidepressive midlers virkning, mÄlt under kliniske forsÞg, kunne tilskrives placeboeffekten.

Kirsch, I., Moore, T.J., Scoboria, A. & Nicholls, S.S. (2002) ”The EmperorÂŽs New Drugs: An Analysis of the Antidepressant Medication Data Submitted to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration”. Prevention & Treatment 5, article 23. Abstract:’s_New_Drugs_An_Analysis_of_Antidepressant_Medication_Data_Submitted_to_the_US_Food_and_Drug_Administration


Placebo kurerer 30 Ă„r lang depression, og aktiviteten i hendes prĂŠfrontale cortex var stĂŠrkt forĂžget.

Leuchter, A.F. & Cook, I.A. m.fl. (2002) ”Changes in Brain Function of Depressed Subjects During Treatment With Placebo”. American Journal of Psychiatry 159(1), s. 122-129.



Den fĂžlelsesmĂŠssige og sociale intelligens har tilknytning til den mediale del af prĂŠfrontal cortex, og den reflekterende forstand hĂžrer isĂŠr til i den laterale del.

Schore, A.N. (2000) ”Attachment and the regulation of the right brain”. Attachment and Human Development 2, s. 23-447.



Beskrivelser af eksekutive funktioner.

Diamond, A. (2000) ”Close interrelation of motor development and cognitive development and of the cerebellum and prefrontal cortex”. Child Development 71(1) s. 44-56. Abstract:

Leg fremmer et fleksibelt mindset og Ăžger vores evne til at tilpasse os nye udfordringer.

Evans, J.J., Wilson, B.A., Schuri, U., Andrade, J., Baddeley, A., Bruna, O., Canavan, T., Della-Sala, S., Green, R.E.A., Laaksonen, R., Lorenzi, L. & Taussik, I. (2000) ”A comparison of ‘errorless’ and ‘trial and error’ learning methods for teaching individuals with acquired memory deficits”. Neuropsychological Rehabilitation 10(1), s. 67-101. Abstract:”Errorless”_and_”Trial-and-error”_Learning_Methods_for_Teaching_Individuals_with_Acquired_Memory_Deficits


De samme laterale frontale regioner rekrutteres af en bred vifte af forskellige kognitive krav.

Duncan, J., Seitz, R.J., Kolodny, J., Bor, D., Herzog, H., Ahmed, A., Newell, F.N. & Emslie, H. (2000) ”A Neural Basis for General Intelligence”. Science 289(5478), s. 457-460.



Theta-fund er blandt andet forbundet med forskellige former for meditation/mindfuldness.

Andresen, J. (2000) ”Meditation meets behavioural medicine: The story of experimental research on meditation”. Journal of Consciousness Studies 7(11-12), s.17-73.



Ved en ahaoplevelse vil millioner af nerveceller, som befinder sig pĂ„ afstand af hinanden, pludselig skifte rytme og derefter svinge synkront ved 40Mhz – gammabĂžlger.

Rodriquez, E., George, N., Lachaux, J.P., Martinerie, J., Renault, B. & Varela, F.J. (1999) ”Perceptions shadow: Longdistance Synchronization of human brain activity”. Nature 397, s. 430-433.



Psykiateren Walter Brown ved det medicinske fakultet pÄ Brown Universitet har foreslÄet, at man bruger placebopiller som fÞrstevalg ved behandling af patienter med mild til moderat depression.

Brown, W.A. (1998) ”The Placebo Effect: Should doctors be prescribing sugar pills?”. Scientific American 278(1), s 90-95.



Aktiveringen af HPA-aksen gÄr ud over evnen til at tÊnke klart. Forhjernen, der er centeret for logik og overordnede fornuftslutninger, gÄr betydeligt langsommere end den refleksmÊssige aktivitet, som styres af baghjernen. Hormorner aktiverer prÊfrontale cortex, centeret for bevidste, viljestyrede handlinger, og giver nedsat bevidst opmÊrksomhed og reduceret intelligens. Binyrernes stresshormoner fÄr blodkarrerne i forhjernen til at trÊkke sig sammen og nedsÊtter deres evne til     at fungere, hvilket medfÞrer nedsat bevidst opmÊrksomhed og reduceret intelligens.

Arnsten A.F. & Goldman-Takic, P.S. (1998) ”Noise Stress Impairs Prefrontal Cortical Cognitive Function in Monkeys: Evidence for a Hyperdopaminergic Mechanism”. Archives of General Psychiatry 55, s. 362-368.



Den gode stress fremmer kemiske processer i hjernen, som stimulerer hjernecellernes vÊkst og Þger antallet af nerveceller i de omrÄder, der er involveret i lÊring.

Pham, T.M., Soderstrom, S., Henriksson, B.G. & Mohammed, A.H. (1997) ”Effects of neonatal stimulation on later cognitive function and hippocampus nerve growth factor”. Behavioral Brain Research 86(1), s. 113-120.



Bevidstheden bakker for det meste op om, hvad autopiloten sender, dels fordi det er lettest, og del fordi bevidstheden ”lammes” af negative tankemþnstre kaldet CAS.

Wells, A. & Matthews, G. (1996) ”Modelling cognition in emotional disorder: The S-REF model”. Behavior Research and Therapy 34(11-12), s. 881-888.


Aktiveringen af HPA-aksen gÄr ud over evnen til at tÊnke klart. Forhjernen, der er centeret for logik og overordnede fornuftslutninger, gÄr betydeligt langsommere end den refleksmÊssige aktivitet, som styres af baghjernen. Hormorner aktiverer prÊfrontale cortex, centeret for bevidste, viljestyrede handlinger, og giver nedsat bevidst opmÊrksomhed og reduceret intelligens. Binyrernes stresshormoner fÄr blodkarrerne i forhjernen til at trÊkke sig sammen og nedsÊtter deres evne til     at fungere, hvilket medfÞrer nedsat bevidst opmÊrksomhed og reduceret intelligens.

Goldstein, L.E., Rasmusson, A.M., Bunney, B.S. & Roth, R.H. (1996) ”Role of the Amygdala in Coordination of Behaviroal, Neuroendocrine, and Prefrontal Cortical Monoamine Responses to Psychological Stress in the Rat”. Journal of NeuroScience 16(15), s. 4787-4798.



Meditation giver nedsat frontoparietal beta-bÄndaktivitet.

Jacobs, G.D., Benson, H. & Friedman, R. (1996) ”Topographic EEG mapping of the relaxation response”. Biofeedback & Self Regulation 21(2), s. 121-129.



Noget ubehageligt eller truende sendes til overlevelsesfunktionen i hjernestammen.

LeDoux, J.E. (1994) ”Emotion, memory and the brain”. Scientific American 270, s. 32-39.



Øgede thetabÞlger i frontallappen ved ADHD.

Mann, C.A., Lubar, J.f., Zimmermann, A.W., Miller, C.A. & Muenchen, R.A. (1992) ”Quantitativw analysis of EEG in Boys with attention-deficit- hyperactivity disorder: Controlled study with clinical implications”. Pediatric Neurology 8(1), s. 30-36. Abstract:


Bevidstheden bakker for det meste op om, hvad autopiloten sender, dels fordi det er lettest, og del fordi bevidstheden ”lammes” af negative tankemþnstre kaldet CAS.

Nolen-Hoeksema, S. (1991) ”Responses to depression and their effects on the duration of depressive episodes”. Journal of Abnormal Psychology 100(4), s. 569-582.



Hvis du netop har hĂžrt ordet mad, vil autopiloten sĂžge efter svar i ”mad-omrĂ„det”, hvis du bliver bedt om et svar.

Whittlesea, B.W.A., Jacoby, L.L. & Girad, K. (1990) ”Illusion of Immediate Memory: Evidence of an Attributional Basis for Feeling of Familiarity and Perceptual Quality”. Journal of Memory and Language 29(6), s. 716-732.



BÞrn fik valget mellem at spise en Oreo-kiks med det samme eller fÄ to, hvis de kunne vente, til forsÞgslederen kom tilbage. De bÞrn, der kunne, fokuserede opmÊrksomheden pÄ noget andet, og de havde vÊsentlig stÞrre IQ. De kunne ogsÄ bedre styre fÞlelserne.

Rodriguez, M.I., Shoda, Y. & Mischel, W. (1989) ”Delay of Gratification in Children”. Science 244(4907), s. 933-938.



Meditation giver nedsat frontoparietal beta-bÄndaktivitet.

Ikemi, A. (1988) ”Psychophysiological effects of self-regulation method: EEG frequency analysis and contingent negative variations”. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, 49(3-4), s. 230-239.



Theta-fund er blandt andet forbundet med forskellige former for meditation/mindfuldness.

Delmonte, M.M. (1984) ”Physiological responses during meditation and rest”. Biofeedback and Selv-Regulation 9(2), s. 181-200.


Evnen til at kontrollere opmÊrksomheden har en direkte afsmittende effekt pÄ intelligensen og ens evner til at kontrollere sine fÞlelser.

Gopher, D. (1982) ”A Selective Attention Test as a Prediction of Success in Flight Training”. Human Factors 24(2), s. 173-183.



BÞrn fik valget mellem at spise en Oreo-kiks med det samme eller fÄ to, hvis de kunne vente, til forsÞgslederen kom tilbage. De bÞrn, der kunne, fokuserede opmÊrksomheden pÄ noget andet, og de havde vÊsentlig stÞrre IQ. De kunne ogsÄ bedre styre fÞlelserne.

Mischel, W. (1974) ”Processes in Delay of Gratification”. Advances in Experimental Social Psychology 7, s. 249-292. Abstract:


Evnen til at kontrollere opmÊrksomheden har en direkte afsmittende effekt pÄ intelligensen og ens evner til at kontrollere sine fÞlelser.

Kahneman, D., Ben-Ishai, R. & Lotan, M. (1973) ”Relation of ad test of Attention to Road accidents”. Journal of Applied Psychology 58(1), s. 113-115.



Uden personalets vidende blev sunde mennesker indlagt pĂ„ en psykiatrisk afdeling til observation for skizofreni. Disse ”pseudopatienter” skulle opfĂžre sig, som de plejede. Men journalerne viste, at forsĂžgspersonernes normale adfĂŠrd blev tolket som skizofreni.

Rosenhan, D.L. (1973) ”On being sane in insane places”. Science 179(4070), s. 250-258.



BÞrn fik valget mellem at spise en Oreo-kiks med det samme eller fÄ to, hvis de kunne vente, til forsÞgslederen kom tilbage. De bÞrn, der kunne, fokuserede opmÊrksomheden pÄ noget andet, og de havde vÊsentlig stÞrre IQ. De kunne ogsÄ bedre styre fÞlelserne.

Mischel, W. & Ebbesen, E.B. (1970) ”Attention in Delay of Gratification”. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 16(2), s. 329-337.



Pupillerne er fintmÊrkende indikatorer for mental anstrengelse. NÄr pupillerne udvider sig med 50 procent, har man nÄet den maksimale ydeevne.

Tursky, B., Shapiro, D., Crider, A. & Kahneman, D. (1969) ”Pupillary, Heart Rate, and Skin Resistance Changes During a Mental Task”. Journal of Experimental Psychology 79, s. 164-167. Abstract:


Patient fik brandsÄr alene ved hypnotisk suggestion.

Paul, G. (1963) ”The Production of Blisters by Hypnotic Suggestion: Another Look”. Psychosomatic Medicine 25(3), s. 233-244. Abstract:


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